Discussion in 'Strategy' started by braveempire, Jun 19, 2010.

  1. Funnyguy-
    after your earler post i ran several simulations, with varied builds. Here is what i have learned:
    (some are obvious, but for the purpose of this post i included everything)
    1. You can only steal a pure att build when the target has gold out.
    2. You can steal a pure spy until their spies are below 20%. regardless of gold.
    3. Targets which are mixed builds: can not be stolen fro. If both troops and spies are below 20%
    4. Targets which are mixed builds can be stolen from if gold is available if their spies are below 20%
    5. Targets which are mixed builds can be stolen from from if their troops are below 20% and gold is available.
    6. Targets which are mixed builds can not be stolen from if no gold is available.
  2. again, i couldnt steal a mixed build who was below 20% spies when he had gold out... (a spy with 1 forge in case that matters) also, he was below 20% troops at the time. so maybe the combination of below 20% spies and troops (with gold out) caused my target to be DTW.
  3. We should farm all these noobs that want attention and post these glitches. Way to ruin it 
  4. Wow , Just ruined being a pure spy for real , only good as a farm NOW !
  5. if they are glitches as you say then thank us by finding them so the devs can fix it. otherwise maybe you have noticed how this DTW for spy thing has been changed TWICE in TWO weeks. As a sub-clan teacher this makes things near impossible to teach to new players. its like telling students 2+2=4 then the next day saying "forget what i taught you yesterday, 2+2=22 now". i mean really, devs figure out what you want to change and just do a big update at the end of every month, or if you fix something randomly, give an update identifying what you changed and how you changed it.
  6. Devs used to like us figuring out mechanics ourselves. Be a good tester. For months people didn't know or care about max plunder. Was just a mystery bored people / curious people tested for after a while.
  7. You know have to have money out to b stolen from. They have changed it again
  8. look if they wanted to make a guessing game why not make it random? sometimes u can steal and sometimes you cant for absolutely no reason? ive wasted hours now of teaching people how to run a pure spy/pin-infinite steal all for nothing, hours wasted. if the devs are trying to get the guys WHO CARE about the game to quit then it all makes sense. new players dont care cuz they dont know. the guys who expect things to work and find out they dont mid war are the guys your going to lose-the ones who make your game fun. u can still have your little guessing game by changing game mechanics every month instead of bi-weekly. by changing game mechanics like this your essentially making everyone a newb... cuz no one knows whats going on. the only thing that differentiates the good from bad players now are mainly their stats. knowledge is a fleeting memory in the "experienced" players (if we can actually say anyone is experienced with how different the system is from a month ago).
  9. I have to agree this is getting ridiculous. I worked tediously and as precisely as possible to give information to help the community. However, i am upset at the abusers of the system. (which started this thread) because of the abuse which was publicized, the devs had to respond in a fashion similar to that which they did.
    In an effort to prevent this abuse they in turn had to nerf a viable way for pure spies to engage in war. However devs, these changes will actually force spies to the fringes of builds. Which having read other threads I know this not to be what you are trying to encourage. Also to all who wish to learn mechanics of a spy build i will not be sharing whatever i learn. Because it seems at this point to be used against us.
  10. You don't even have to be a pure spy to do this. Any person with atleast 25% of their stats as a spy can be farmed this way. Try it out.
  11. I have been doing this o ln the same inactive for over two months aswell as using him as a combat farm. There is no way he has any money left since he is well used by my clan aswell. It's still works. It's all about ratios in stats.
  12. Has this been nerfed?
  13. I hate spyfarms I get hit non stop taking 100-200k a time which us alot over time since I only been playin a few days and don't have alot of money