Discussion in 'Wars' started by admin, Jul 18, 2013.

  1. Make the min sign up lower due to short notice 
  2. How come alway this type of timing, 2am SGT and 8am SGT, Asian members no need to sleep? No need to work?
  3. The dts dtw mechanic turns the wars into two mini wars with the large players hitting the large and the small the small.... However everybody hits the middle ranked players keeping them pinned pretty much the whole war.... Also if you are going to factor bfe in please factor it into dtw dts

    Furthermore I would like to request a mith spell which gives you the ability to hide what equipment you war with.... You can hide large bfa for war so why not large bfe??
  4. kaw_admin, you still have not addressed my posts ;)
  5. I must say this confuses me... You are running 'test wars' for the 'test wars' why not just incorporate this into the normal 'test' schedule, god know you screw us over in them anyway.

    I'm going to make the assumption that since you are refunding xtals for these 2 wars then the matchups are going to be pretty poor?? If so, will you also refund lost EE levels?
  6. In saying that I am more than happy to participate to further the cohesive nature of gameplay dynamics. Hopefully the information you get from these tests helps to further the kaw war system.
  7. Apparently we don't :x
  8. Kaw_admin referes only to crystal users. But till now this game has the possibility to regen using nobility points too. Would be nice if kaw_admin can be more specific and if this special war applies to nobility points too or just crystals users.
  9. Sorry, I don't understand what's different from last week, except the KO timer?
    Dtw/DTS was in place as well as equipment matching.

    What's this test for? Is it purely to test giving back xstals?
    Also, if possible could you address some of the concerns posted on last weeks war threads.
  10. I like it....

    Sounds good, but:
    1/ it comes too late = why?
    ppl leaving clans for temporary war clans (after rancors we saw many war clans that Ends existence); 90% home clans lost ppl, coz of these wars
    so xtals motivation comes too late, home clans lost best warriors ... hard for them catch fast moving war-train and power of pure war clans (not many in this game)
    .... edge bonus don't help clan loyalty only support existence of pure war clans; now it's hard to organize wars than before new system comes (home clans haven't experienced ppl)
    = xtals good, but this should be here longer time to see if have effect

    2/ ik that's only testing and many ppl have summer, holiday, vocations .... so less kawing

    3/ too many news every day = hard to watch what's new in kaw every day ... question is, how many kaw ppl know about this special war event ... how many will participate?
    btw in gaw ppl make petition for any kind of news or updates .... curious thing

    4/ timing = Thursday maybe good, but second war in worst kaw time ever .... I think time stats from ee season show this fact; this event should be longer

    So this is positive, but only if ppl free, know about it at this time and could join if have war clan to join ..... not many home/epics clans prepared

    I hope all kaw ppl will participate in wars - it help game
  11. Uh, if this is a test to see how many more peeps will war due to no xtal cost, great! But I'm afraid it is a flawed test and won't give you accurate results.

    The thing is, you aren't really attracting new warriors. Your only attracting people who already have xtals to use and will prob have no problem using them for war.

    A lot of people don't buy xtals as a rule, so they don't have the xtals to use so they can't be re imbursed for them.

    Also, most ee clans now have strict build requirements in place so even if new players wanted to war due to free cost, they will likely not have correct build so will be rejected by a seasoned clan or will lose if they join a noob clan, deterring them.

    I hope you don't treat this as a clinical trial :-D lol
  12. Well done devs you actually listened to my suggestion on last weeks war thread to trial the new system before weekend and reduce cost.... 
  13. I was rather liking the random out times, made it more interesting, seems like 3 out of 4 times the higher ranked clan wins these wars. Need more towers if you want to win at these tower wars!
  14. Will nobility points used also be reimbursed
  15. Tracking has always been a part of kaw. For those of you that have never warred old system or in an osw you'd try to catch the regen time of opponent. Random ko times take all the skill out of warring. If you insist on having inconsistent ko time to appease the weaker war clans I'd suggest some sort of trackability. I would suggest that if its your 8-13min ko times you give that person the same time all war. So if they come out at 11min there ko is 11min entire war. Or you do a set number of regens from ko. 2 regens after ko you are up both ways would be trackable by a good war clan. Taking tracking out of wars all together is un kaw like in my opinion and the socialistic trend of kaw recently has me concerned. I'm really afraid we are all gonna have the same build no allies or equipment if we are allowed to war soon. It's a sad though.
  16. Just like to say your matching algorithm sucks no way we should have gotten who we got.
  17. Devs,
    Can you PLEASE explain how sotra rising matched against sotra folk? I don't see how they are even close to the same size....
  18. Damn can't war 1 cus going gym but war 2 great thanks
  19. What about all the other test wars where ppl got crap matches lol we gonna get our xtals back for those? Prob not because wars r so crappy now u basically having to pay ppl to do them lol nice job devs. Uve pushed out most the real warriors to tend to the crybaby noobs 
  20. @kaw_admin I was wondering about Summer wars I'm hoping EE didn't tea place these?