new pure guild hansel clan

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by bankiller, Jan 21, 2013.

  1. new update :D :D :D :D
  2. We are looking for members.

    We generally do at least 105 bil a haunt in 3 or so hours. Night is when we are most inactive so harder to tell from those if you look.
  4. It may be helpful to also post the update in ur recent post, lol.
  5. Seems like a great clan.

    “Prohibit the taking of omens, and do away with superstitious doubts. Then, until death itself comes, no calamity need be feared.” ~ Master Sun Tzu
  6. If you want to war eventually, look at my stats, as I am a guild hansel, and check previous wars to see how good guild hansels are in war! Good luck out there.
  7. I used 10 days to open my 38th and 39th land, and I am not active during weekends..great clan
  8. I Make More Gold In This Clan Then I Ever Have All The Time I Played Kaw! Come Join & Check Us Out !xD
  9. Ummm... Pure guild hansel is a contradiction.... A person with a pure guild build is called an OSF.
  10. @Spinter: Nice equipment. Anyways, pure. Guild. Hansel. The three words make up a term. It's obviously, a hansel whose spy builds only consist of guilds.
  11. Am I the only one who noticed OP said he used 24 xtals in one EB?
  12. Wow This Color Is Cool
    The clan is good. Joined today
  13. Guild hansel are the best!
  14. We are now doing our haunts in 2hrs and still making the most plunder off haunts in all of KaW. :)
  15. I'm a pure guild Hansel, fear me.
  16. We make the $$$$
  17. new update :lol: :lol: :lol:
  18. Stay as long as you want as long as you're active.