We are looking for members. We generally do at least 105 bil a haunt in 3 or so hours. Night is when we are most inactive so harder to tell from those if you look.
Seems like a great clan. “Prohibit the taking of omens, and do away with superstitious doubts. Then, until death itself comes, no calamity need be feared.” ~ Master Sun Tzu
If you want to war eventually, look at my stats, as I am a guild hansel, and check previous wars to see how good guild hansels are in war! Good luck out there.
I Make More Gold In This Clan Then I Ever Have All The Time I Played Kaw! Come Join & Check Us Out !xD
@Spinter: Nice equipment. Anyways, pure. Guild. Hansel. The three words make up a term. It's obviously, a hansel whose spy builds only consist of guilds.