New Player PvP protection

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by GF_CherryKizZ_GF, Jan 3, 2016.

  1. I hit her over some insults today and she cried to her clan, now they are trying to farm me and stuff. gf is a bunch of cowards.
  2. All you talk big but you never give inc
  3. I like bullying
  4. Oh op is perm farm not you, whoops...
  5. No support, I grew off bl hits years ago!
  6. the devs would have to be stupid, drunk, or both to not implement this idea with the overwhelming amount of support it's getting.
  7. Ill perm farm you, You wetwipe melt
  8. Request denied.
  10. Who's farmed you more me or MRC?
  11. Only inc from you :D I'm fine hitting Apheriun anyway, if I was still in pvp event I prolly would hit you.
  12. Jackson wishes there was a pvp protection spell
  13. The OP is everything that is wrong with KaW. Nooblets afraid to get hit.
  14. When I first got hit when I started the game I was frantically searching to find shelter from this threat and this led me to my current clan. New player PvP shapes the player into forming lasting relationships fast with larger players by showcasing a threat to the new player and showcases to them a way to confront it.
  15. Translation
    "I'm a weenie who requested help from my guild"
  16. Dude you should've seen me in the chats when I got farmed lol. I was frantically searching for guidance and assistance
  17. Take a page from this guy, learn by experience.
  18. Or better yet...