New Player Introduction

Discussion in 'Guides' started by Amun-Ra, May 5, 2016.

  1. Sadly most new players won't see this
  2. Yo this is dope. Great job!
  3. Gone over a few responses and there is a banking area in the guide min both allies and bars and etc. :)
  4. Great job. Until there is an official link it is up to the rest of the community to put in a little effort and make sure the new players we encounter are aware of this thread and the usefulness of forums in general. I don't post much in forums but I spend a lot of time here reading threads. Forums is the only part of this game now that reminds me of why I got hooked on kaw in the first place. It's a place to gather info and laugh to at the trolling in equal measure. The new players need to use forums to understand that it's not just a war game but a community and social game too. Spread the word . Thank you Titan, much respect.
  5. I will speak with Grant and the staff to see what can be done to ensure this is known and available to new players at the conclusion of the tutorial. :)
  6. kudos sickest guide 10 for simplicity 10 usability 10 information 110 presentation 
  7. Thank you SD :) I appreciate that very much
  8. Am about to give link to my first newbie since you released this Titan, so here we go.... lol
  9. 11/10.

    It's straight up the best Kaw guide. Wish i had one of these back in my days.

    (When gas was 36 cents a gallon and all)
  10. Ashton, I appreciate that post a lot I do thank you very much. I wish I had it back in my days too lol I do hope this does retain new players with the information they need to get going and stay.

    I am currently also working on an intermediate and advanced system similar to this for us players that have been around awhile. I learn new stuff all the time and would be good to share that info along with info that seasoned players may not know on pertaining to other aspects of kaw that they may not participate in as of yet like example, eb players may want to war, well the war introduction will be coming for sure with info on builds, to warring your build, types of wars, how they are different and the whole spectrum. Once I get more info I may even put up a sort of WC style how to do more people can learn to do so and try it out themselves.
  11. Bumping this to the top of forums i believe this is something that anyone joining or that may have newer players in there clans should read and go through.

    I cant express how great this is and how much this is needed for new players joining and i feel there should be something that makes new accounts being made go directly to this forum so they are aware of how to play and what everything means.

    Great job again Titan
  12. Well made titan. Now if only the devs could make that displays in an iframe on the application so players could view it in app...

    Wait, that's like only a few lines of code to do as a stand alone app...
  13. import;
    import android.os.Bundle;
    import android.webkit.WebView;
    import android.webkit.WebViewClient;
    import android.widget.Toast;

    public class Main extends Activity {

    private WebView mWebview ;

    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {


    mWebview = new WebView(this);

    mWebview.getSettings().setJavaScriptEnabled(true); // enable javascript

    final Activity activity = this;

    mWebview.setWebViewClient(new WebViewClient() {
    public void onReceivedError(WebView view, int errorCode, String description, String failingUrl) {
    Toast.makeText(activity, description, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

    mWebview.loadUrl("http:// ");
    setContentView(mWebview );


    So a tad more than a few. Probably need to include internet permission in the manifest but besides that there is the android app version... And probably tweak it a bit but that's the bones of it at least.

  14. Thats one really well put together thread there Titan. good on you ;)
    The newbies needed something exactly like this, and if anything, this should be the standard link to any new player that joins Kaw.
    well done :)
  15. For more practical KaW stuff, check out my HoW To thread.
  16. This is amazing Titan! This deserves a paycheck in the mail!
  17. Killzone lol that was good, as long as new players reach this that's all I want. Really dislike seeing new players give up cause they just don't know exactly what to do and I'm hoping this starts to keep them around.
  18. Support, you have done an excellent job on this guide! Can't wait for the upcoming ones
  19. Thank you suckers251 soon enough I will have the rest completed and also set combined for viewing in the near future :)