New Phone

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by FizzyLiftingDrink, Oct 26, 2014.

  1. Flagships when it's your first smartphone?
    Quite a leap.

    Also, you're looking at iPhone 6 or 6 Plus

    Another android flagship that would interest you:
    Sony Xperia Z2
  2. My iPhone for life is a cheap rate for unlimited everything and every latest iPhone out every 2 years is mine for the same monthly payments I have now. I get the remake with the faster processor without buying a whole new phone xD
  3. Suggest you do not consider the iphone 5 regardless of any good deals. Mine has not responded well to Kaw. Used the 5 for 3 months before transferring kaw too it. Problems were immediately noticeable. Experienced a persistent lag/hang up while hitting ebs and warring. I'm forced to transfer to my old 3? iPhone anytime I want to EE due to this issue. Daily full power downs seemed to help briefly with this lag. The power down time was also affected by adding kaw to phone. Prior to kaw being added to the 5 it took 7-9 seconds to turn off, adding kaw has easily added 10 more seconds of wait to the process.
    I experience the lag on at least 50% of the ebs I hit with the 5. None of the other apps that I run on the 5 have given me the persistent problems that KAW introduced to this device.
  4. I really like my LG Chocolate I guess it plays music and has a camera or something ...not sure how a phone can be a camera or even play music but hey that's what it says
  5. If you can't afford the LG Chocolate I heard Rim has some nice blackberry things that has this like dial thing on the front do youngish like scroll down and's really futuristic
  6. ^Or you could always get a pager.
    They're pretty cheap.
  7. I rock 3 pagers 1 for my ho, 1 for my side piece and 1 for my dealer
  8. @Infamous the "tweaks" needed for a faster KaW experience are very "noob" friendly. And do works. You can check my guide in Guides section of forums and you'll see people reaction once they applied the tweaks. About HTC One M8 benchmark scores are... Just benchmark scores. I had both M8 and S5. On my usage S5 beats M8 hands down.
  9. Love my galaxy s5, would highly recommend over iProducts
  10. Really depends on what u want out of a phone, iPhone is much more simple and secure (also App Store has no illegal apps and everything is checked and strict on what apps can do) as android is more complex has much more options however it's easier to download things that slow them down and or download a virus itself or just get confused by the os itself but u aren't tied down like u are with a iPhone someone makes a program u can run it. Personally I like the iPhone but I also jailbreak it ️
  11. You are so wrong.
    Secure? Lol, did you not hear of the fappening?
    You could download an antivirus on your phone if you're so worried about android being more 'open to viruses'.
    Besides, iOS isn't as secure as android.
    Google take security seriously.
    I haven't heard of anyone hacking into another person's google drive.
  12. @Destructive Android is very secure. Google Play Stores apps are verified aswell. Android might stop being secure only if you want to stop being secure. When you check "unknown sources" in settings you get a warning that installing 3th party apps might harm your device. When you download an apk file you are warned that might harm your device and you are asked if you are sure you want to keep it. Short version: Android can become insecure only if you want an insecure device. Security its a cool but i want to chose if I want it or not. I don't like to had it shoved in my ass.
  13. iPhones regularly have trouble with batteries just malfunctioning and charger ports and chargers not working. However they are aimple and they get my vote for that.
  14. i love my iphone 5 and it doesnt bend so thats nice
  15. Google store my have better time now then when it was first coming out b4 they found several programs with malware in it however they were removing them rather then making sure they never got there in the first place. (Not sure if that's still current though)
  16. As with most os the biggest threat is the user being an idiot and causing the issues directly. By installing malware unknowing (sometimes bypassing such security procedures)
  17. etch 'n' sketch
  18. I switched from Apple - Samsung about 3 years ago. Best choice I've ever made, will never go back to IPhone! Samsung galaxy S5 I have now and it's just purely amazing :)