Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by angel-of-love-, Jan 23, 2015.

  1. Yes but if he would post a thread wishing to make a valid point, in english, the proper effort should have been put forth, or someone else asked to arrange his statement for him.

    Now... Now, I can put on my frontward cap.
  2. I liked that promo, it was good getting to try hammer out those ebs. Also it gave people ho haven't done any outside of the low end ebs a shot at equips and made some good bank.
  3. 1 no support

    2 300b on a hte? lol. You tell your att builds to use spies only?

    On that note...

    3 spies only on hansels isn't a good idea, spy actions don't have a ally bonus applied, troop attacks do. ALL should use troop attacks, there is practically no benefit going below around 30-40% spies. Hansels know to skim spies unload troops, they hit for very little and still take the same plunder as a att builds last few hits does.
  4. 600b in 30 minutes is not hard, And the whole clan would need plunder spells? Not a chance, LB can make 500-800b with spells, I've seen someone make 1.1t in 1 hte. Plunder spells aren't required for all clan members for 600b nub

    Edit - just looked in my clan history, I only liked at 4 random ebs while scrolling and noticed all of them above 600b. So you are invalid
  5. isn't it easy enough already if u want to pay to build :?
  6. He kind of has a point honestly HFBC cost what was it 25-27T? To explore all the new lands it's about 23-27T another 30T that it will cost to buy all the new buildings yes it's still good money however it would just take a huge amount of time considering an average player in a HTE clan who isn't max xstaling will probably only make 50-70B per day and that's pushing it if we take the low amount and say it will cost 50T to finish the new lands divided by the amount 70B which im almost certain a good 90% of the people who play KaW won't make in a day it would still take over 700 days just to finish these lands
  7. I brought back a dead thread. LIKE A BADASS