OP, your idea isn't bad, but a piece of advise, next time think it out fully and give details on it, so people can't say, oh you can use it for this or that. Think of what all of the flaws could be and make a list, then post the flaws and a possible way to fix them. Other than that, I like the idea, a temporary timeout in case of a real life emergency.
You could put it this way, defence stops attack being successful. In that theory, you're asking for something you've already got. Unless, you're asking for a spell to protect you, so your pots don't get wasted. There's no need, you can just stock them, so when you lose a hundred it's not a issue. When strips come into play though, many jump up and down screaming. If they can't get many attacks or spy activities to succeed, gives you less of a chance to becoming a target, unless they are stubborn, patient. Why worry about all this, either not sleep and keep your Kaw gold safe or take a risk and sleep a little. It's all part of the fun, so why ask for something to prevent this, which many enjoy? I think this needs more thought, experience and maybe just a huge range of opinions. See what pros and cons there are. Thanks for caring to ask for suggestions.
Due to the fact of "I've got a life" I think if you got that much of a life, don't plan or get involve in any type of manner where this may be a problem. If its a job that lets you down, do it on your down day? If its parenting, get your children to become your war slaves or do it when you can fit it in. Why should Kaw, a game, be concerned about people having lives? Isn't that what computer games are for, "nerds who don't have a life" I think, you either balance it or give something up. No offensive, devs or mods or anyone on this game, yet I'll choose to give up the game. This Is only my opinion, so please take with a pinch of salt if any issues has been created by it. Thanks.
@ Salad - I believe the 90's band in question is Chumbawamba (^_−)−☆. I randomly came onto forums and noticed this, first time posting here, but perhaps a build equivalent could be found that makes stripping one an irritating task (i.e. reverse hansel for those of you who play Future Combat). Considering the player response to the introduction of that type of build there, I don't see this spell being something devs would implement and I imagine that many who want it now would end up complaining later when strip targets become irritating difficult to strip, strength and size aside.
If I had to even consider making a spell for this purpose, I would make it cost 75 mithril for 4 hours, can only be cast once every 24 hours. Can only be used in system wars that last 24 hours or greater. Cannot be cast in Auto-join wars or OSWs. Also, cannot be cast in the last 8 hours of System wars, and current timers of the spell will be deactivated once 8 hours are left on the warclock. Details: You cannot hit or be hit while this spell is in effect. You cannot buy allies or have allies bought during this time. You can choose to deactivate this spell, but you may not recast it until the 24-hour period is up. Effects upon wars: It provides players a respite, but limitations upon the spell prevent it from becoming a war breaker. 75 mithril for 4 hours is a steep price, compared to other spells, even for those who loaded up to max on every mithril sale. The prevention of it being used with 8 hours left prevents a clan-wide casting during that time to preserve a victory. Keeping it only possible to cast during 24 or 48 hours also prevents a large portion of the war from being taken out of play. Open to feedback on my suggestions.