New leak in EE wars

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Zanther, Apr 28, 2013.

  1. At the late stage of wars, a KO can gain you anywhere up to a billion difference in plunder. It would suck to lose a whole war over a 'glitch' like this.

    Easily fixed too, just give it to either attacker randomly. They won't care as long as their side are credited with the KO.

    What worries me more is the seemingly back-sliding in the match up algorithm. It's Gould be getting better not worse as the trials go on!
  2. Teja is right. I lost connection when about to come out of KO. When i got back online, i saw a lot of incomings but lucky me, i managed to SKO without doing any action
  3. Actually devs already addressed this a long while back, before rancor wars. If you get too many inc at once, it can cause a self-KO.
  4. Yeah we know why it happens.. Just that it shouldn't. If you're KOd by enemy they should get the plunder. Not a SKO.
  5. I sent a feedback a few wars ago about being sko when i did nothing also, it was a close war too. Makes me wonder how rampant this problem is especially when you have your whole clan sitting on people coming out of ko and you see the other side have 6 sko's in a row.
  6. Happens to me when I war on pc account
  7. @ bad medicine agreeing with me? What's this world coming to? LOL ;)
  8. TEJA is still mad at the devs. :/
  9. I wouldn't call it mad ... It's just a leak in the game, and it seems that debs don't care about:

    The count of plunder isn't working like it is supposed so the devs (who are earning their money with the game) should find a solution and not ignore it.

    I am just showing problems that should be resolved and not being ignored. Also shouldn't be any EE-Wars until it is resolved.

    But that is my opinion.

  10. Agreed. A ko could mean all the difference in a close war, especially if its somebody who has a lot to lose from the knockout
  11. Have noticed after hitting people, and clearly knocking out their last troops, for example spy someone knock off 5k troops they were dtw from attacks, next spy take off 223 troops, then states in cc that it was an sko, also another issue I had today which actually worked in my favour, I had 443 troops left, 0 spies wasn't KO but couldn't attack it said I didn't have enough troops, was fixed after my 5 min regen, putting me back at my designated regen amount, win for me
  12. Yeah I've had that glitch happen twice worm. Nobody could clear my last troops, I couldn't use them, but opponents could scout my 0 spies.
  13. TEJA you don't get hit when you war 
  14. Devs have clearly not fixed to KO/SKO issue. I can try to hit when it says 1 min left from KO. But my real life clock goes to 2-3 min before I can actually hit. WTF? Is your KAW timer that broken. And a lot of times I'm already KO before being allowed to hit. I vote for random KO times, and get rid of trackers that have no life. Real war, not 100% of ppl are gonna be KO for exact 15 min. So why do it here? Make it more fun and let it be random.
  15. I don't see where any of our complaints haven't been addressed.

    I understand you completely, Teja. System glitches happen everywhere, not just KAW. ATA has addressed complaints openly in public, and have changed things according to issues stated by players in forums.

    To stop the EE wars mid-way through the season is a big deal. What about all of the players that have spent time/money on their Rancor Levels, and positioning?

    There are issues with EE wars that need work. I think that point rings true. But if you don't like the issues, don't war. Simple.

    Lots of players are passionate about being part of the season...I'd like to see the season completed, and not stopped because of a random server glitch.
  16. @ Luckstar

    The regen clock has always done that. Reload KAW and it fixes it.
  17. Well I blame ur clan 4 letting people join if they not going to do full war and SKO then no leaked ur problem
  18. I think people are complaining too much on a game that is free. You are not required to spend money on the game. I know some of you will say but wait a minute, we have to buy xtals and crap. No, no you dont.
  19. Would be nice a "random" KO time, e.g. a random value between 12 and 15 min. That can add fun at this buggy EE wars.
  20. Hey teja baba