New Lands; Vote Yes or No

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by Rusted_Knight_of_New_Age, Mar 15, 2017.

  1. top 500 isnt even bc... ata be crazy mann
  2. I thought player's who buy stuff and things had more say in what gose on I guess not hesitate to add more land's &building's well I remember correctly asking for a court yard. never got why vote they're are doing what they want and I don't think they care about voting. good luck sincerely rain thi pain.
  3. Why not if those big spenders willing to spend more for new lands and new buildings.

    Dont forget without those lbs to spend $$, this game would dead immediately.
  4. Just a few points i haven't read sum1 make, if they have my mistake... the idea of the devs releasing a new lands is to provide a gold sink, which has never been a decently effective method so why would it now be one all of a sudden? it's not just something released for lb's so they don't feel bored lol...also I think your average lb player would still play & spend more than the average player regardless of the addition of any new lands just so they can keep their allies up.
  5. No. New lands are a temporary fix. bigger players will bc fairly quick no matter what the price is and will plunder more then they do now. Which means devs will have to release more lands to keep ally inflation down. If they don't find a different solution before long they will be releasing lands every other month. Give us more pots to buy, sell unlimited mith, sell something to change equipment color, idk anything but lands or ugs.
  6. Anybody fully understand this guy?
  7. Yep I understood.
    He means years ago some of us suggested ideas to help retain and attract new players. That got slammed by people who didn't care about player retention.
    The thinning of the player base has shown the issue considered back then was correct, but as nothing was done it's too late to cry about it now.

    Don't totally agree. New low lands first to help smaller players and then planned new lands later to curb inflation. As I suggested on two other threads this would provide new good sinks that don't just whack up stats. ( alternative build options )
    And why we need new lands now regarding lowland levels and helping smalls grow.

    More ideas on both those threads would be appreciated
    But on this one. Still no for big new lands. Unless the devs change build types to add new content beyond the norm. This would give far greater interest to all players. Without making the gap ever wider.

    Ps. The bigger the devs make the lands / builds the more they reduce the need to spend real money on the game. So it's kind of like shooting your self in foot adding new lands without extra gold sinks

    The new allies options will hopefully provide new sinks to an extent.
  8. No. I haven even lc before
  9. Yes because if you actually paid attention to what they are doing they will promote growth and make it easier for people to get bc.
  10. Situational Vote.

    edit: nevermind, already figured out where this poll will go.
  11. No

    At least not yet

    Pretty please