New Lands; Vote Yes or No

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by Rusted_Knight_of_New_Age, Mar 15, 2017.

  1. I vote no. There's already too much lands as it is. Creating more lands will only widen the gap between players even more. Can't imagine how many more players will quit out of this.
  2. Use reverse psychology noobs,I mean when the game does need something they don't act
    Kaw standard time,xstal timer,spy quests,osw reward system,etc

  3. Yes but make them crazy expensive so people can't bc first week.
  4. Don't think a forum thread is a good place to check how many need new lands and how many don't. Forums are not much active here,and there are many out there who don't even know about forums yet, so I would say let Devs go for there survey of how many already explored all lands and how many didnot. If there are more over 25-30% active players with BC, then they should probably release new tier.
  5. No. Create a Kaw 2 hybrid app that only BC players can play. And/or introduce tiered events/wwars that only top 100 winners ( or similar ) from each tier can access kaw 2. Crazy idea but a new platform opens up a potential for new earning and will not effect this economy.
  6. Developers said in their op, Community Wishlist Response, that if we have suggestions or disagreements about a specific topic, to make a separate forum post so I did.
  7. Doesnt matter devs already said theirs new lands. All I want is the hit ranges to be adjusted if new lands are being added
  8. Yes

    In my opinion it doesn't matter whether new people are able to become build complete, there is more to the game than trying to catch up to people on the lb. The lb ppl have spent years to build up their accounts so they have generally earned their position on the lb.

    Personally I would like new lands because I think it makes it easier to grow stats faster with new lands. As I newish account, I can buy the cheap new lands and not worry about buying the last lands which sink gold for no stats. The bigger accounts can happily sink lots of gold on bigger upgrades and lands to keep them entertained, because once you become build complete then kaw can get boring.

    The top osmon upgrades are good, where compared to previous upgrades, they are bad value, but still give ppl a chance to spend their gold and slowly improve their accounts.

    Happy kawing
  9. No. And fix wars.
  10. My thoughts on this area they never specified a date. They could have just been telling us what we already knew, that lands will come at some point.

    September is the earliest I could see it being viable. Anytime before is a no. After, sure.