New Lands; Vote Yes or No

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by Rusted_Knight_of_New_Age, Mar 15, 2017.

  1. No. Way to soon.
  2. Its big "NO"

    I have'nt experience yet to be LCBC..
  3. No.but yes to building upgrades that cost loads of gold
  4. 15% for YES! Say what?

    That's way higher than I expected from this thread. Nice.

  5. And this is why KaW fails.
    2 and a half star ratings. Endless builds and money grabbing events. All from aiming for the top precenters. Which is the lowest precent of the players.

    Be damn with the 80% I guess. Let the new players be warned off and the mid grade players be driven away.

    Your teams inability to come up with a better gold Sink has done so much damage to this games in play system that EE can only use low lands and off system is no longer as effective or as attractive as it once was. Especially with the dismal effect of strips due to how easy it is to get gold now.

    The only thing keeping a majority of this games players in this game is because they have friends here. But even that is starting to fail.
  6. You heard it from the game designer. The vastly lower precent wins over the majority.

    Eh, at least they gave an answer. Better than hoping this will work when all it would ever be is ignored.
  7. Hi Rusty.

    It was very clearly a joke.

    We will however update the community wish list response thread later this week and I think people will be relieved.
  8. I have watch ata feed the top precent of this game by adding new land and builds. Killing the base players and making it completely unattractive for new players.

    I knew it was posted as a joke but it still feels like regardless of what the community says you would care less.

    I get the aspect of making money and making gold Sinks but your team took the road that has detrimentally hinder this game for most every player.

    Most of the yes votes on this thread are from playing hoping it keeps up revenue for the game, so they can still spend time with friends. Not because of the game play.
  9. I'm sorry if you were offended.

    But, I do think the response we are drafting and the update will address most of your issues. More on this later, but the new build token system was perhaps not explained well enough. It's designed to help with most of the issues around releasing new lands.

    We're dealing with some issues outside of our control with hardware in the data centre, and it's taking up a bit of our time. Once it's settled down we'll have more time to explain.
  10. Look, the issue isn't just about the time it takes to Build Complete.

    These lands and Builds hurt OSW and EE.
    They hinder every aspect of the game and all the building tokens do is fix one, growth.

    It doesn't fix inflation, doesn't fix the ally market, and it doesn't fix making off system pvp and OSW relevant again.

    It give a small boost to players for growth but it won't be a good answer to justify new lands.

    The game use to work good back when there was only two lands because strip wars removed a lot of gold in game. They still remove gold in game but you can get that gold back way to easily and it honestly does not hurt that much.

    Hit ranges prevent full clan strips and reguardless of if you make them smaller or adjust, that will only make it worse.

    Every single problem that Kaw has is the effect of the last 3 land and build updates. That's why all of the new players are mostly alts, why the game only has 2 stars. And why it is so one dimensional.

    New Age even warned everyone what HTE and new lands would do. It lead us to these problems. I understand you want to milk us for as much as you can and you want to look forward to your next big game. But making lazy gold Sinks that kill Kaw will not only damage this game further but ultimately kill it.
  11. Some of that is true. Some of it grossly simplistic and one sided.

    Either way, I think you'll be happily surprised as we roll out the next set of updates.
  12. Then tell me what is the simplistic one side points of my argument?

    Enlighten me, I would enjoy your point of view on the points where you feel I am wrong. Maybe a discussion here will bring out a great thing. That and it may allow me to show you things that the number on your stat sheet ignore. All great things come at a happy medium.

    I'll promise to play nice and keep as open of a mind as possible.

    Edit: As far as the updates, that will happen when it happens. But if it hopes to have build tokens as a savior then it won't be a happy thread. Remember, I am an OSW player. I don't find epic battles fun. I like to hit, strip, track, banter, and war. All off system. I enjoy ee from time to time but ee isn't the only thing I like to do. Also, I'm not alone with my playing style.
  13. Sorry, but I don't think that would be a good use of time. I don't think you're going to be happy until you see some of the changes we have in store. But we will keep you posted on the community wishlist thread.

  14. What a shame.
  15. I say no to new lands and builds, the reason is this last set of lands and builds is so expensive that even for someone like me, that does spend some on this game, but don't go overboard seeing it is that a game, as is I will never see build complete again I'm afraid. And the reason it seemed these Ori lands were released and so expensive was to keep insentive for those that were BC already which could of worked. However, by making zta/hte's, in addition to the 50% promos on these ebs, so available, those already BC before, were again BC shortly after these were released. Peeps now able to make 10+ trillion on one 15 min zta eb, some now having 100+trillions saved up. So I don't see that making new lands and builds out will really help make a gold sink if that is the purpose for those BC now and obviously in a rush and willing to spend to get it. Therefore it only hurts those of us still trying to grow in these lands already available knowing we will never meet goals of being BC, as that used to be obtainable for any that were activitely playing kaw, without having to spend such crazy amounts of hard earn money.

    Maybe implementing this building token change that you feel will help this process of building to the current land and builds so that more can catch up and see how these changes will affect the aspect of the game, for the good, would be a better resolve. Then add new lands and buildings when more of the community is ready for them.
  16. ;)