New Lands IMO

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by -__TyroneSparklepants__-, Jul 24, 2013.

  1. High Land Build Complete ?

    Why would we say HFBC?
  2. Hoarfrost lands havnt came out. It will remain HLBC.

    LLBC = LandLand Build complete (lowlands)
    HLBC = High Land Build complete (highlands)
    HFBC = HoarFrost Build complete (hoarfrost)
  3. To make it more interesting the devs could release T5 for low lands and T6 for highlands and new lands. That would keep us all busy for at least a month or so 
  4. This is going to shake up things nicely like the leaderboards and long term maybe allies in the trillions will become a common sight
  5. they are saying things like 'top lb players will be hlbc in day' they are already hlbc. So they mean to say hfbc ;)
  6. Please volley me.. im new... i play pimd so i know my way about... no speakers..
  7. You must be stupid polar,not everyone is as strong as you,not everyone can afford 300bil buildings to upgrade just to 2nd