[NEW ITEMS] - Dragon's Breath, Smog Screen

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by kaw_admin, Jun 10, 2014.

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  1. They add2 mill cs to attack 100 mill stats on the new pots 50 mill per 1 mill cs

    Pots were already imbalanced by 1.2 mill cs now it's 3.3 mill cs
  2. Suggest you sack the fool that thought this beauty up, and send him back to his old job suspect Tarzan is missing him by now !!!!
  3. Yeah, this is completely unnecessary and further aggregates the pot stat discrepancy already exploited by small builds.

    HOWEVER, if similar high stat expensive defense pots are released to counter, the long lost strategy of pot burning might actually become relevant again...

    Looking forward to potting up with my new Dragon Scale (+100k troop defense) and Dragon Eye (+75k spy defense) items...

  4. @stationary, 50mill raw stats = 1mill cs, look at your cs compared to raw stats if you don't belive me .-.
  5. WAAAYYYY to GOOOO devs another massive fail. Lets just make those sh that are already able to hit way above where they should......... Wait.......for ................IT. Even stronger. Stupid move. NO SUPPORT
  6. That's wat I said and the new pot is 100 mill raw stats equalling 2 mill cs
  7. Can u atleast make sh pay more so when we whack em in wars it dont cost 700 tril for 18 mil
  8. Making a balancing Def/Spy Defense pot is NOT the answer!!

    1. it will further increase the imbalance for Scouting as spy def pots aren't used in defending scouts....hurts hansels and we'll everyone.

    2. You never release a pot that balances exactly so there will be a difference in pot imbalance.

    3. The cost is huge, making PVP less appealing by price...making wars even more costly for MIDs especially.

    4. Makes OSW more expensive.

    5. Makes the amount u make hitting anyone practically a loss...ie won't even pay the cost of the pots...

    6. Makes me wanna gag.
  9. Just spent 60 bill on 500 of each so proud :/ :|
  10. There are 268 mill more raw stats from attack pots then def pots that's just troop side that's Almost 3.3 mill cs static imbalance just from pots
  11. Love em love em love em
  12. Devs do you even kaw bro?
  13. Goes to show (AGAIN) how little the Devs actually understand about their own mechanics and even basic "Cause and Effect" applications within the systems of KaW.

    They make rash and completely absurd changes and "fixes" that never seem to fix the problems they are presented with.
  14. This is so stupid I really smh
  15. I like it now I can finally assassinated your little clan mate and thanks to your fail strip I now have the funds to do it.

    Sorry this was directed at ST4T1ON_H1N3Y
  16. No surprise to me. The devs like to go the opposite direction. Let me guess. They are going to say they are TESTING them. 
  17. My congratulations devs. A pot that destroys all tower builds and totally overpriced pvp.
    Are you freaking nuts?
    We can all whack lb now. Months of builds are obsolete. War requirements will be completely revised eat toying builds. Sh will have an easier time with these stupid pots.
    But who will want to war when one action costs 50mil for a pot we already pay enough to war and pvp. Now you give us build destroyers that make it impossible for anyone who isn't build complete or bluntly paying to play to afford the luxury of wasting all their gold on these.
    Oh except the Sh who don't bother growing, which will now be able to hit anyone they like whilst still paying like crap. Seriously what were you thinking? How can we make pvp totally unattainable
  18. They made huge towers available. You guys said towers are killing pvp, yet they give a solution and you just complains. You people are sad
  19. Whatever happened to that small group of experienced players the devs said they would consult / obtain feedback from regarding changes to game? Was that a dream I had or a real forum post made by devs?
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