[NEW ITEMS] - Dragon's Breath, Smog Screen

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by kaw_admin, Jun 10, 2014.

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  1. so either:

    1) Devs do not play the game and are not fully aware of the ramifications this will have on the currently game mechanic.


    2) SH is the future of the game, ditch the unneeded extra attack, towers etc and conform to mediocrity.
  2. Why would you release new pots mid war…
  3. Sounds like ATA is getting sick of KaW. This game will be dead soon, hope they have a new one that's better lined up. The unemplyment lines are long enough already, but they'll soon find that out first hand.
  4. Why don't you run polls for new ideas instead of randomly hurling shiit storm in ours faces out of the blue. You honestly don't have a balls notion about this game. Stupid eb hunts after stupid eb hunts
  5. I still want smash to be released
  6. Hey guys,

    Update incoming shortly.
    Thanks for your feedback.
  7. when 100K spy with no bfa or BFe rips through my bfa BFe n towers n take it all. Then it's time I leave the game because thats ridiculous and disrespectful for guys that invest and take the time to have huge bfa.........thanks devs.....
  8. Here you crybabies, kaw responded :lol:
  9. Aww but I really really liked this
  10. Gotta have new def pots, i just spent trillions rebuilding for war and now my towers are pointless
  11. Watch there be new def pots with a minor def increase to appease tower builds
  12. Are they permanent items?
  13. I personally find it hilarious i was hit for saying I support this :lol:
  14. Lol, Devs are now trying to re-group and figure out who thought the new pots were a good idea :lol: :roll:
  15. So, New pots adds 1mill cs more to attack and spy attack pot strength. Now, I have the previous atk potsover defence pots in my notes so let's see that.

    Now, those atk/ spy atk pots now have 1mill on top of that so you now need 2.2mill cs adt to counter pots and 2mill cs aft to counter pots.

    Anyone else spot the problem here?
  16. Can we have some SPY DEF POTS TO EVEN IT OUT
  17. Looks like im gonna NEED ALOT MORE ADT  AND I THOUGHT 7 mil adt was good  FULL SUPPORT YOU ******* ASS HATS
  18. Devs need to start giving plunder, with mith for warring or noone will be able to afford to war, lol
  19. WTF ... Baaaaad Moooove
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