[NEW ITEMS] - Dragon's Breath, Smog Screen

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by kaw_admin, Jun 10, 2014.

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  1. Dev must be smoking a good stuff give us some.
  2. Devs always do something else instead everyone working on giving drops out
  3. History of Kaw devs have NEVER issued an actual 100% .... should be interesting to see how badly you screw this on up admin
  4. Yeah… I really hope that the 25% tax from bb will be accounted for. Or I'm afraid there will be a revolution :D hahaha
  5. Hey guys,

    The refund for pots is still in progress.
    You will receive a 100% refund over the next few hours.
    We appreciate your patience.

    Regarding bronze bars vs gold:
    You will receive enough Bronze Bars to overcome the sell cost of them.
    We are distributing Bronze Bars so people don't have a large sum of gold sitting there while they are inactive or in a war.
  6. Sounds good devs. I'll wait patiently.
  7. Hey devs i actually like the pots dont see why you took them out, if people dont like them then its their deal they dont have to buy them
  8. Last time ATA issued a refund with BB, it did NOT include the penalty to sell them in the amount refunded.

    It's a valid question.

    Does 100% reimbursement mean we will receive 100% of the price paid for them and will realize an actual loss when the bb are sold?

    Or does 100% mean that upon selling the bb received for the unused pots, we will will receive the full purchase price in gold ?

    100% can be interpreted a number of ways, it's not black and white here. Perhaps a class in simple economics is in order for those of you who don't see that. 
  9. 30% sell cost? It's 2- ehh... I better keep it shut so I can get extra moola.
  10. Read 3 posts above urs apple
  11. I didnt recieve any refund. I have the same amount of bars as before.
  12. Why did you do that? I liked the pots damnit.
  13. This isn't just a small screw up. Y'all are takin hours to fix this. What about the losses in plunder from upgrades people would've made? That's not bein made up by kaw? The 100% you're promising doesn't include those losses.
  14. And if we don't get the right amount back? I had 500 of each defense pot, 218 of the Atk pot, and 150 of the spy Atk pot. That's a lot of BB to cover the cost of all those.
  15. What the hell is going on DEVs??? Don't you guys think this through before hand . Each step along this process has been a screw job!! 1st you roll out pots without prior warning , forcing people who war or do OSW to buy or get left behind . Then realizing you made a mistake by trying to balance with defensive pots . This only made things worse because 2 wrongs can never make a right. Now you add insult to injury by taking away the pots and replacing with bronze bars telling me I'm getting a reward? How am a getting a reward when I go to use the bars I have to pay a % back to KAW ?

    I've but out a lot of real money to play this game and in the last 6 months have seen nothing but screw ups . I'm feeling maybe your product is no longer worth my investment in the game . Please don't forget that the players make this game and you should be seeking our input not driving us away . If you want me to continue to give you my hard earned cash , then give me back the game that started me playing in the 1st place .

    Just saying , I like to be kissed before you ask me to bend over !
  16. Apple is slow in the head guys..plz be patient im sure after she actually reads kaws post she will see its been answered many times on multiple threads .
  17. Hey guys,

    As stated, the final refund will be 100% of what you spent on the pots, AFTER you sell the Bronze Bars.
    If you sell your Bronze Bars you will end up with the same gold you used to buy the pots.

    We're giving you Bronze Bars so you don't have gold out in a war or when inactive.
  18. Thanx devs, still waiting patiently.
  19. Pinky pauses the thread to get a dig in, on Apple....

    Y'all devs please make this right.
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