So. More adt and sdt needed, so more cost and time to build , pushing my plunder downwards again , making the possibility of BC a lot further away . I feel I'm forced into making a choice here, scrap my towers so I can make more plunder and EB ( paying for the eb needed to get there by the way ...) and sticking to the iWars only . Or continuing to EE with my clanmates ( that's the whole point isn't it?) with an ok build for EE even tho people still stack ( only real way to war now sadly ) but sacrificing any real hope of becoming BC ever again ... Some choice huh .... I want to grow , I want to war , I want to PVP , but it's becoming such a huge pain in the arse to do any of the above . I feel sorry for the newish guys heading toward mid range build , the wall you hit when you realise the cost of becoming BC is a otter pill to swallow indeed. 4 years I have played , coming up to 5 , you'd think I'd be bigger eh lol. I don't rally want to quit , though many of my friends have , but there is so many things wrong these days with kaw , from overpowered SH to stupid things like the bizzare stagger of stats and cost as you go through level 1-5 in the HF , the cost of potting up for PVP , and cost of towers VS the plunder made is just crazy . I'd hate to be LB and pumped so much cash into this game... Hope you have something wonderful up your sleeves devs . I love the iWars by the way , best addition to the game for a long time , but please sort out the issue with placing all PS on one side and hansels on the other , that's a right mess up and harms the great start you've made with it . Regards , not a LB , just a regular player , Sticky .
Well done devs. About time to counter the massive hf stats increase. And to the cost - well done again as it brought back the pre-HTE ballance back. Potions should hurt when bought as they are great increase of stats.
Everyone is so impatient for anything in this game. You sound like a bunch of kids who want it now now now. It's a game ppl will always exploit a game to give them a edge. So get over it and learn to counter it. If and when pvp comes out everyone will have towers. Ppl will be crying for protection but yet no clan to get it from cause their wondering eb fairies. I can't wait for it it's gonna be chaotic. And thos who weren't smart and didn't pot up with new pots are going to get the worst of it
Devs, do the right thing and remove these new pots immediately. Then refund anyone who bought them. There is no incentive for people to grow an ally base anymore as BFA drifts further into irrelevence. It's bad enough that new lands/buildings are eroding it too. What were you thinking ?!?!
Hi everyone, We've been reviewing your feedback about the new pots and appreciate your well explained reasons for not wanting them. For the time being, we have removed the pots from the store while we review their impacts further. We'd like to apologize for the timing and roll out of this change and appreciate your patience. For a few minutes the Pots will still appear in the Marketplace, but you will not be able to purchase them.