This was such an own goal by the devs its totally unnecessary its gonna get to a point where bfe n pots are so big that the raw stats u worked for will be pointless. N panda keep off these threads your ass kissing is an embarrassment at least before vk u had your own opinions #sheep
This game turns me off to itself more & more everyday. Might be time to try CoC since that's what all my friends have gone to.
Parsan, can't have a mod who thinks for themselves now, can we? All forumers who end up mods, change drastically. :lol:
Once again you idiots, where are the free pot drops from Dragon EB series? DAmn it these guys are always high on lemon seeds!!
Releasing new pots was as good an idea as that dude who thought it'd be brilliant taking bathsalts. He ended up naked, eating a tramps face and getting shot. Something you believe to be a good idea at the start doesn't always finish that way, remember that between puffs of your crack pipe devs.
Do you know how much most players pay.... Now we spending twice as much as we make off them... Fail in my opinion could have made new ones not strong/expensive...if PvP paid better it would be ok
Yes new pots that's great but what reasoning do you have for these new pots? What void in the mechanics/game does these new potions fill @Kaw_Admin
Another kick in the guts for pvp n osw. Fairy nice devs. Btw, pvp is not ee to the community nor myself.
This sounds like a step in my direction. You now need more towers and I released a method to make towers more profitable by how you use them instead of a direct plunder bonus.
The fact that one new pot can decimate years of work on a bfa is senseless. I understand you may wish to level a playing field devs, but this is not a solution. Rather this introduces multiple problems and imbalances. From payouts in pvp plunder vs pot cost to overpowered small builds heavy in static attk stats primed to stack ee rosters- you really could have done a better job thinking this through. I cannot offer a better solution to you than gracefully acknowledging the miscalculation, remove and refund the offending items and carry forward. If the objective is to level the playing field you might redefine the existing dtw/dts ranges for all stat levels in kaw. Lets tighten it up devs and get back to enjoying the game. Time to burn some candles at the office Apes.
Make people pay in wars like they have full defence pots even if they don't have any I'm sick of you giving sh a free ride there spineless crap that should be forced to upgrade not encouraged to stay tiny, no team sport on the planet can be won by 1 really good player and the rest children against men. I fail to see your logic yet again your idiots