Lol, well during my few years of kawing on multiple droids i never got my notifications on time anyways. Getting them 10 minutes, 20 minutes, 4 hours later is probably meant to simulate a real life kinda environment for the user, or sumtin. Edit, only 13 minutes to receive notification for post on my wall. Which had been already read. Mmhmm, fixing a non-broken ca should take priority over fixing the un-working notification system. Yup
Re: New I've played on android before and never had issues with the notifications. Are you sure it's not your phone?
Over the last 3+ years ive had 5 respectable droids from 3 different manufacturers. My service has always been Verizon. Even moved about 4 times. Always kick down extra for the best internet thr area offered. I dunno man, but my joke "pm me atleast 20minutes before you catch me being stripped" has ran its course and aint funny anymore.
Re: New Don't have that for iPhone, but I do get chat were it says "Failed to load" so I have to to restart Kaw. Very frustrating.
Re: New Nice tweak! People asking for ca changes to show in news feed makes little sense. The nf spam was annoying when it showed every member that joined eb. If you are reading your nf then you have the app open already, ergo you could simply go read the ca. If a ca changed then what it was 15 mins ago is irrelevant
Re: New It actually makes more sense to show in newsfeed (as it is news in a way) than as a push notification. You can skip over old CA notifications and pay attention to the most recent one. People are forever saying 'Oh sorry I don't read CA'. Maybe they would if they got a notification in their newsfeed for it.
Re: New For a hte clan that would be a nightmare, they change ca every 5/10 mins. For an ordinary clan it would spam you with what items were used in the previous stages of eb which is irrelevant. If your phone is locked then it shows you now, if it's open on KaW then it doesn't need to
Re: New At least now no one can claim they didn't see CA changed from FFA to closed when they leech pots
Sorry Alice, believe it or not, some of us actually do not live on kaw. I personally would like the ability to scroll through my news feed and see previous clan announcements relevant or not. I couldn't care any less how annoying it would be for hte clans. We aren't talking about the selfish, we are talking about our home clans. #Loyalty
Makes you wonder doesnt it? Ata must get some pretty dope fruit baskets from a certain third party app.
Re: New There are so many more clan improvements that you guys could implement! This is a good first step.