New & Improved Clan Announcements

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, Dec 7, 2015.

  1. Great but I think you should have a button to send to all,and please fix the emoji and the scrolling issues please
  2. Re: New

    Need to be able to turn off this rubbish and Quick
  3. Re: New

  4. Re: New

    on android you can.
  5. OK good for changing something but I just feel this is a useless update but whatever keep adding things I might like some thing one day 
  6. Re: New

    I like.
  7. Re: New

    This is the most irritating update you've done since I started fml... I don't give a  about ca being updated when I'm in a different app ffs
  8. I have a sugestion/idea... Can we get a chat filter for wc vs cc at the bottom of our screens? Such as when warring it would be nice to not see wc spamming when I wanna see what I being said by wc and such. Just a idea to improve game play.
  9. Kaw can you stop making spelling mistakes -_- come on
  10. Re: New

    I think it's a positive change. On the scale, the Pros outweigh the cons.

    The downside, this will be annoying for HTE clans which update every single person in queue on a daily.

    Still, if you can disable in notices, not a biggie. :p
  11. Re: New

    Annoying for HTE clans? That's a shame ;)
  12. Re: New

    This should be a news feed alert, not a pop up notification.
  13. Re: New

    What's a hte clan?
  14. I wanted to troll and forgot that left to merc and lost admin, :lol:.
  15. I would like to see this added to the news feed such as when a reply from feedback is received. Due to some devices you can only see a portion of the message, or accidental swiping etc. Before trolls mouth off some clan ca is like a revolving door and many changes made. At least you could then get any missed ca announcements under news feed.

    Also I understand it only works once every 5 min, but not everyone logs in every 5 min. Well most don't lol.
  16. Re: New

    Great idea, full support!
  17. Re: New

    Everyone gets the notification, Eb. But if it's changed multiple times in 5 mins, only the first change shows in notifications. That's my understanding of how it works.
  18. Re: New

  19. Re: New

    So what about co-owner with ability to Admin others But not disband clan
  20. Nice!! Good job devs, this rocks :p

    And also just to know, is there any talk in the KaW DEV group about making it so android can edit the already existing clan announcement? Its annoying to have to log in PC just to be able to update the original clan announcement.