New & Improved Chat Filter

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, Feb 6, 2015.

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  1. Re: New

    I don't really care about the public. I think that clan owners should be able to set the tone in clan chat. Now that the debs have "saved" the public, let's get to the much needed solutions for kaw.
  2. Re: New

    Once upon a time, a ******* walked through dick valley. He stumbled upon a *****, and ate vaginas in his sleep.

    Did i do it right
  3. neat.

    cc is still under the new rules, why not the forums?

    fix cc damn it! no one cares about the forums having blanks.

    well i'm sure SOMEONE cares. but i don't. i just care about what you did to clan chat.

    the other parts were just a waste of time.
  4. Re: New

    Profanity is seen as such a bad thing... Really they are just any other words like the ones you are reading right now. Why must we censor these words when in the right order other words could as easily propose the same meaning.
    Profanity is also not always a negative thing. It can often be used to express excitement or give a sentence some "punch". It allows for a non-violent retribution and the blowing off of steam.
    It is also often seen used in social settings to express ones comfort with the group or for humor. Profanity can be used for many positive things.
    Alas it can also be used for negative causes, and that can have a negative impact on others. Knowing this I support the changes to the forums and wc, but I disagree with having the new chat filter on cc.
    Clans are a social groups within this game in which people come together to enjoy this game with each other. Within these groups swears could be used for the reasons stated previously without impacting anybody outside of the clan. Being as it is clans should be able to decide for themselves wether they want to allow swearing or not. If someone feels profanity is disgusting and wants no part in seeing or saying it they need simply not join a clan that permits it. So simply put IMO the is filter should not apply to clans.
  5. Re: New

    You're like a civil wordwaster
  6. Re: New

    I'll admit I didn't read all the pages so forgive me if this has been posted, but can I still use the asterisk or will I be punished for self censorship?
  7. Re: New

    You will be silenced.
  8. Re: New

    psh. i'm civilized and stuff. potty trained n ereything.
  9. Re: New

    I will be silenced for using an asterisk..? Seems legit.
  10. Re: New

    Yep. I don't agree with it, but that's the case.
  11. Re: New

    How come every other app on the App Store allows me to use an asterisk but ATA has ruled against it?
  12. this is a war game will u stop acting like a parent?? :evil: :shock:
  13. Re: New

    If you replace the filter with asterisks, it's considered a bypass.

    Let's say "ass" is now a filtered word. If I were to say: "I'm riding an ***", that would be considered a bypass.
  14. Re: New

    because that way I'm not acting as the filter because I am using ^ not *
  15. Re: New

    I dunno? 
  16. Re: New

    This is by far the dumbest thing ever 
  17. Fuk lmao testing
  18. Re: New

    They don't have time to add things to the game unless it involves protecting 9 year olds that don't even play this "war" game
  19. Re: New

     to answer question, yes. *, ^ or any other symbol is a bypass.
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