New Idea of "pay to win"- An alternative to HTE Epic Battle!

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by antonio00ro, Sep 17, 2014.

  1. This is the most well thought out thread I've ever seen, PowerPoint needs to hire you. Anyways, according to your chart we wouldn't be gaining much more than hte. It's pure genius. I like your style and...

  2. This is a fantastic idea and a much better alternative to the "limited time eb" hte that has now become a never ending thing.

    Make it happen devs!! ... Right after you get those spy banners released.
  3. I Love the idea
  4. That moment no one realizes that 300% more plunder isn't 3x plunder o.o

    100% is double or 2x.

    300% is 6x

    150% is 3x o.o

    Just saying o.o
  5. However, aside from miss percentages, the idea offs very good, and with a little refining could be perfect.

    So support ^_^
  6. Support,this will bring balance back to law well,as much balance as we can get back to kaw lol
  7. Extremely well thought out and very thorough.

    Support to your idea 
  8. Very well done. Support
  9. Support great idea we'll thought out.
  10. Full Support, great idea
  11. Implement this! Then I can get some actual equipment.
  12. Maybe you could buy the % amount! I.e. different spells at various dollar amounts ($3 for 100%, $6 for 200%) for those kawers on a budget. This is pale horse and i fully support this
  13. Great idea... Might actually HLBC again before the next lands come out

  14. Support
  15. ********** UPDATE **********

    First of all thank you guys for all your support, i'm glad you like the Idea!

    I read all your replies and I thought some of you are right... so I made this update... So here are some changes to my original post!

    #1. Yes, maybe the time for the spell is too much 4-5 days... even if in a HTE clan you can stay 5 days with only 1 SoD used... i think this should be an average of how it is used now and how will be the spell used in the future, considering also that if you are not in a HTE clan... you use 1 SoD (6$) for only one EB and you can make maximum amount of gold with item closed... but that's it! So maybe a 2.5 days (60h) will be the best time for 1 Gold Rain plunder spell!! Considering that big spenders can max xtall during the spell... this will increase considerably the amount of gold made!

    #2. Considering that some Epic Battles (EBs tires 9-10) were created to help balance income for players that don't spend that much real money on game... i think is a good idea that spell should have different percentage for those EBs... Will be the same spell, just that will activate differently depends on what EB you are doing! The only issue will be if developers can implement this on the game! but i think should be not that hard! So spell can activate like this:
    Tire 1 - 10 -- bonus 250%
    Tire 11-12 -- Bonus 150%
    This way can balance things up, will encourage small players also and good old Equip EBs will show up again in WC and not everybody with the spell will do only TSG, SS, TS and so on...
    Anyway... developers will make the studies... and will have "the last word" on this, but I think this would be fair enough for all!!

    #3. Another this that could work... is to make 2 spells...
    Silver Rain Plunder spell - active 24H - 29 nob points (kinda like a Horn replacement)
    Gold Rain Plunder Spell - Active 60H - 59 nob points

    PS: IIIlBHxXWillyTheDeuceXxBHIIlII, you've read my mind bro, that's what I've thought also... is the "right" pay to win option... there is no other game out there, where you pay for something and you get to share it with others!!! (not that is something wrong... as you can get the share part from others... but this leaves room for fraud and exploit!)
  16. The possibility of being scammed/exploited is the aspect of this game that makes it unique.

    It's legal in most cases. Ally scams, seal drop kicks, clan's legal.

    The individualization of the plunder bonus will stop the seal abuse, but will also stop the ability to share the gold with friends. Double edged sword.
  17. I like the idea but not sure about the 250% boost maybe lower it a little other then that I support the idea. Hopefully if something like this is implemented players wont feel the need to leave their home clans for b2b HtE clans.
  18. Again, 250% is more than 3x.

    150% is 3x

    The number needs to be closer to 125% to be even slightly fair.

    125% is approximately 2.5x
  19. The reason why i want this point driven home is because when you actually think about it, 250% is 5x.

    Say you take out hte for this. Big deal. I can now make nearly double what i could on hte, for a day or two. Four the same price to.

    Plus the eb will be longer leaving for more hitting room and more inflation.