Lol! Probably 10% are about Ebola, 20% about how Obama suck, and 50% about how KaW is dying and how cool was old days.
3% is about events 2% is about clans, either osw/ farms/cfs or clan threads 13% is poorly written nonsense and 2% are ashes and others posting booty pictures with funny or disturbing stories to go with them. That should round out the missing 20% in that statistic.
Cool. Anyway you could make the quote screen gray again. White on this dark gray/milky black screen can be a bit much when trying to forum in places I shouldn't when the lights are off. If not, still, all of the updates on forums have been amazing.
I hate to be demanding, but honestly, I'd like to see greater ease with picture posting. Currently I have to take/upload a picture to my camera roll, resize it using an online photo resizer, figure out which one is the correct one, copy the image code, and put it where it needs to go in my post. It's possible, but very annoying and time consuming when other apps I've seen allow you to upload directly and other things.