Great addition. So many times i had to browse all over the forums to find a thread i was interested in once was out of Active Topics.
Very very nice. Now we can scroll back on active topics....this will help newer players go back an peek at guides and such that are not sticky. Also, necromaniacs can go "full necro".
I do too, also when I press the back button and when a whole bunch of people all use quotes on the same page. I'm also a hypocrite.
Right, it looks awesome. So, all these updates on forums, did the devs buy out the Forum rights or did the forum designers decide to release new content for phones, or did Kaw_Creative hack them? :?:
The last one is closest I may not be a developer, but I'm familiar enough with CSS and PHP to make these changes. I've been looking at getting search working, and may have that for you all tomorrow if all goes well.
If you are playing... Can you try a "Thanks" button aswell? And maybe a thanks metter at forum stats profile? Like this people might have more incentives to post actually useful content. And would be more relevant to brag with thanks metter instead total number of posts.
Forums are over you can now see active topics from the last year. So much necro bumping will occur. Mods will now have a hell of a time.
Shouldn't make a big difference. Nerco-Bumping is still against the ToU and is bannable. Additionally, you could already find old threads by going to the last page of any forum section.
Newbs will run rampid I tell you! Before you had to go into forums section and go back. This will make it easier. But thanks for your reply. Have a wonderful day Kaw forum Guardian you!
Even if you chose 1year or even all posts is limited at 40 pages. If you take a look at page 40 you'll see that last post is from Sept 29 2014. If one bump a thread a bit more than 1month old can hardly qualify as necrobumping.