New Forum Layout

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, Nov 1, 2014.


What do you think of the update?

  1. Awesome

    57 vote(s)
  2. Meh

    32 vote(s)
  3. Life Changing

    38 vote(s)
  1. Protip: on droid, tapping a users name from AT pulls up their forum stats.
  2. It does on Idevice too.
  3. Don't really like the new AT layout....
  4. Yeah. They removed the icon that shows if you've posted on a thread, or if someone has posted since the last time you read the last page.

  5. +1

    Tho I assume is still work in progress. Forum stats view still have serious visual glitches.

  6. Thought it was a glitch. I sent a email lol. This sucks!
  7. That's for everyone else too? Thought forums glitched after I found the forum stats thing on accident
  8. Support
  10. False quoting is a bannable offense. Suggest you change that.
  11. I liked the white better easier for old people to see 
  12. Dont like the newest update... no support
  13. Messed up display pages. Incorrect or extreme fonts. Overlapping of text. Oh my, too much has gone wrong...
  14. Hang tight guys, it's a hopefully temporary side effect while we're working on something else.
  15. Y'all are just busy huh
    Edit: omg my post #1800 yay
  16. Great update overall. Not the most pressing matter in kaw, but still a positive fix
  17. What else u doin
  18. Looks is fixed now. And extended Active Topics! Love it!
  19. Yep, you can now search active topics to view posts from the last day, week, 2 weeks, or month.