New Forum Layout

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, Nov 1, 2014.


What do you think of the update?

  1. Awesome

    57 vote(s)
  2. Meh

    32 vote(s)
  3. Life Changing

    38 vote(s)
  1. Awesome devs :)
  2. Reminds me of how the pc forums look
  3. The loading page inbetween things is white, so it goes black, white, black plz fix
  4. I agree with this guy. That loading screen hurts my eyes on those lonely nights in bed looking at kaw forums.
  5. Looks much smarter a nice improvement.
  6. I like this new forum look. Nice job
  8. If u press back 2x on iphone it goes back to old layout n forums. Just saying
  9. I don't see the pencil option... Ever... Probably a bug
  10. I like it!
  11. And still no fix for the "return to current AT " page. Face palm - new look, same old.
  12. This is cool.
  13. Devs when will this bug be fixed?
  14. hmm yep let's see how little posts i have 
  15. [​IMG]
    Like the new layout. Trying to copy PC :)
  16. Just wanted to see my post count.