New Forum Layout

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, Nov 1, 2014.


What do you think of the update?

  1. Awesome

    57 vote(s)
  2. Meh

    32 vote(s)
  3. Life Changing

    38 vote(s)

  1. Ain't that the gods honest truth 
  4. Sweet! I like the white better though devs, maybe a color button to choose theme?
  5. When moving back or forward in forums, it goes from dark to really bright white. Please fix.
  6. Sweet! Love it
  7. Yeah devs I noticed this as well when playing kaw on my phone but my iPad seems ok
  8. :lol: im surprised i actually have this many posts.
  9. Holy cow new forum changes 

    Awesome job KaW!
  10. Quoting is now being overused pffft...
  11. Finally!

    Love love looove the new layout! :)

    Forums load a lot faster for me now too. :eek:
  12. I was reserved about forum makeover but now I have used it, I find it a lot better. I don't light up the room anymore reading forums while the wife sleeps.
  13. True story
  14. I agree :)
  16. Ive been using the forums for four years. I flipped out when I saw this, thinking I set my phone to negative or something lol

  17. Fourthed 