New EXTRA War - Give a chance to war to everyone!

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Olypics, Sep 14, 2014.

  1. Well i've thought 1 Indy War slot should be added to oblige the friendly KaWers in ur TZ.
    One omission i noticed though I'm a Canadian n prefer a reference to North American n not only the USA. I know its an unintentional slight but in the future it would be nice.

    C'mon ATA u have nothin to lose n adding 1 more WAR ๎€Ž
  2. Fully support. C'mon devs think for the Asian
  3. Support.

    I'm guessing the real reason ata don't want war at this time is because of greater chance of on-call staff being called in when wars start. They don't want to be called to work at 3am, well I don't want to have to get up at 4am to sign up for war either. They have a global customer base that needs to be looked after.
  4. I'd guess thats a good assumption cuz ATA is PDT TZ. Ad to that ur point KaW is global hence so should ATA's work hrs be so๎€Ž
  5. For my fellow friends, clannies, whom are Aussie, Kiwi, and Hawaiian players, I beseech devs to introduce this Slot 0 war.

    I support fully...
  6. Nice job OP
  7. Support.

    Well put together.

    Doesn't affect me, but I agree. Make room for everyone, not just your favorite payers, I mean players.
  8. I support the extra wars, but why does eveyone blame the US for these schedules when ATA is a Canadian company?
  9. Agree with J3r, ATA just to lazy to have staff work the night shift so we handsome Japanese can war๎„…
  10. I don't believe its a matter of blame as much the need for for the extra war slot. N agree its undue n uncalled for to blame a country.
    FYI ATA has an office in BC Canada n Washington state in the US.
  11. full support!! I hate 3am war
  12. Support let the rest of the world at least try to war.
  13. Must be hard to contradict yourself all the time...

    There is nothing to change in the current schedule. Only ADD 1 line below the current schedule.

    ... says the guy who has at least 2 wars daily... 2*5 + 5*2 = 20 wars a week. It would be fun to see your reaction if you could do 3 wars a week, at BEST.

    What you miserably fail to understand is that we don't want to touch your bone, we simply want a share of the feast... At worst it will have 0 impact on you, at Best it gives you an extra slot to war and get extra medallions.

    Oh Well, I forgot, Zombies have no brain. :roll:

    Sorry for that, it wasn't intentional. I also omitted 180+ countries for that matter.
    If I put USA in the chart it's only because it covers the majority of players in that TZ. Canada is lucky enough to share the same TZs as USA... ;)
  14. Well done op!!! SUPPORT and thanks for linking the petition in with it. Awesome effort.

  15. There is a war every 2-3 hours...
  16. Check again Wolfie. there is a 9 hour gap every day in asian/australian prime time.
  17. 100% support!! We Aussies/Asians deserve at least one decent war time per day that we can participate in. Being a global game all TZs should be considered and have access to at least 1 war during week days at a decent hour (outside of work/school hours). No TZ should be discriminated against just because their prime time happens to fall at an inconvenient time for the Devs - as mentioned above, it is a global game after all.

    Thanks ๎€ฒ
  18. "Support" devs pull ur fingers out and give Aussies some descent war times!!!!
  19. Do you not see that war is every 3 hours?
    Are you blind?

    Devs can't run two separate wars at once it would fill up all server space. They are don't so it's war every 3 hours because it needs a hour to sign up and a hour to war with a hour clean things up on devs end