CoC has been confirmed to drop the Ring and the Shoulders: Shoulders (bigvin1) & Ring (IlSlUlPl3lRlUlNlKlNlOlWlNIl, markovkin555)
Just think trying to be an owner and grow your clan. If you all ready have the item that your clan is doing the same eb. You will be jumping from clan to clan to get your next item. So the family clan idea is going down the drain. And when you get all your 12 items and hit the top of the leader board. What's next side lands? What happen to teka And teja. We will see
I have an idea. Get 12 Friends. Each one makes a clan. Each doing a separate eb and different items. Were when the clan members get there item. They can jump between the network of the 12 clans so they can get there next item. That would work