NEW EE WAR Strategy Revealed!!!

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Johnny, Nov 4, 2013.

  1. the problem is not that they win and it's proven that they can be beat, its how they win. if they keep these builds they may as well bring back turtle wars because these rancors had removing the long hours in pin wars which everyone complained where too long and boring and they where also difficult to put into a tournament format that is kaw wide. rancor wars are short wars where everyone has a chance and everyone can win yet more and more its becoming a contest of who spends the most money and who is the most innovative which is good using a build to your advantage. F1 drivers can fine tune their engines and even just change the slightest angles on their car but they can't make wholesale changes which would offer a clear advantage over the rest and kill off competition because that would be negative for the sport the same example should be set here. allow people to be competitive but don't set the bar too high so as to make winning a right to the priviliged
  2. Just because its "legal" doesnt make it respectable!!
  3. If the devs work on the spy build/lb loop they must change GH/lb loop or leave both in or its being hypocritical. You got to change both or none. They are both legit builds. So stop whinging ps/lb is a glitch/loophole if at the same time you are saying GH/lb is ok. Butt hurt people. Hope devs change both though or EE truly will go out window through lack of participation.
  4. I never thought it could be done, but ER just did the impossible and beat S26. To beat an unbeatable LB/PS roster wow you guys certainly have my well deserved respect! Props! ️
  5. Playing a certain build?
    The purpose of ee wars was to liven up and make the system war fun and enjoyable for the players again in a skirmish environment.

    Guilds should of been addressed much earlier and the devs failed to use a very simple fix to do that.

    Now we have ps clans
    The emergence of these are turning wars totally back into the old boring as wars that everyone hated and refused to do.
    Score lines of under 4 billion with the majority involved with next to no plunder.
    Total snooze fest and if that's where ee is headed then many of us will be done because it is a boring waste of time.

    War game where you cannot hit your opponents due to build or old turtle tactics. Kudos for using the build and getting your rancor. But if this is the future then ee wars will die a very fast ugly death.

    The only way the devs can stop this is
    Ko pays a minimum reward level whether they have earnt plunder or not

    No dtw ( as was the original promise in ee )

    And a minimum attack value placed across all kingdoms to kill exploits.

    Without such changes ee is screwed.
  6. Obviously likes sitting on sidelines while lb players battle it out.
    Might as well make it 2v2 wars if this is what you want eternal. Either that or you have no clue what you are talking about.
    Ee wars or turtle wars. Doesn't matter what devs do someone always try to come up with a way to make them turtle wars again.
    My answer turtle wars are impossible, everyone gets some action and fun.
    Any other answer and there is always an exploit as devs have so graciously proven with players help.
  7. I could care less about EE, Rancor, or SW's. Absolutely zero interest.

    I just find it amusing when a group comes up with a strategy that trumps what most everyone else is doing, and everyone gets pissed at them. They are using legitimate game mechanics.

    Instead of complaining about it, come up with a strategy to beat them like that one clan did.

    Death to the spies!!
  8. @Moose

    Have you ever gotten into a fight with a snapping turtle?

  9. This is exploitish. It's no fun and should be taken out.
  10. So you can come up with a tactic that works so well in a near zero plunder war where you can't hit anyone and watch a couple of lb players slog it out for clan honour whilst you basically cannot do squat even if you get ko's you get squat for it off them as they refuse to earn.
    And who said they couldn't be beaten? It's a crap move they know it hell everyone does
    And until you know something about ee and do it how come you think you can tell everyone how to do it any better ?
    Guess mechs and ego don't go as you clearly have no clue to what you are talking about here
  11. ER was VERY heavy hansel that war, so it was essentially "spy vs spy"

    I have no issues with matching spy clans against each other.
  12. Agree 100% with King of Thieves. Those saying they're different cus you can't even hit a PS can leave it out as hitting a GH for 900k gold is basically the same as 0 anyway 
    At least if a PS makes a mistake and earns some gold a 14m cs ps will pay me an absolute bomb while I farm as much as possible outta them.
  13. G I just don't think some of these ok users will get it or the problem that goes with it.
    Ryan when a ps assa or scouts you they earn nothing. My hey don't go for ko's they just pin any that can affect their lb players. They don't have gold out because 90% of them don't make any duh.
    As such how you going to hit them.
    And minimum value screws gh exploit too or didn't you read that either
  14. So, the pawns protecting the bishops, queen, and king is exploitation?

    lol, yes!
  15. that is the stupidest thing I've heard you say yet. In chess, both sides start with identical armies. Everything is perfectly symmetrical.

    I'm not arguing for symmetrical wars, but I could not resist punching a hole in this laughably terrible example you threw up.
  16. Then the answer wouldn't happen to be in matching your opponent before the thing starts?

    You obviously know who you're matched with. Plenty of time to adjust accordingly.
  17. I'm sorry at what point in my post did I suggest you can atk a PS with no gold out? I'm aware of how it works, my point was attacking a GH For 900k gold is basically the same as not being able to atk at all. However, if a PS does make some gold (accidental KO or if they decide to steal for whatever reason) they become open and will pay well until they either 0 or SKO (admittedly not long, but having checked the history happens at least a few times per war).
    I'm not sure what you mean by minimum values screwing GH's as well though, we all know the issue isn't with GH fighting GH. The issue is clans using GH to lower the overall balance of the clan cs so they either match smaller clans or have the bigger big accounts. In the same way that these PS have 0 BFA and close to 0 BFE to help lower the ranking of their clan and fight smaller opponents that won't be able to touch their LB. Both are trying to do the same thing and both have a few problems they will encounter. But faced against a genuinely balance roster they will gain an advantage so I fail to see the significant difference.
    If GH clans only matched each other then the issue wouldn't exist would it.
  18. Damn that's a lot of text. Sorry. Hope it makes sense 
  19. On the contrary Moose, ER only had around 3-4 hansels in that war when they beat S26. But I still don't know how they managed to pull that off. I was rooting for you guys earlier too, devastation was leading till last 11 mins. Damn almost did the impossible there too.