NEW EE WAR Strategy Revealed!!!

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Johnny, Nov 4, 2013.

  1. Hmmm...interesting :geek:
  2. Lol, thanks for bringing this out.... Have been aware of it for quite awhile and it has been voiced in feedback but for some reason goes ignored.... xD
  3. I see MrMagoo in CC on that SS 
  4. I give 0 support to this strategy
  5. Well looks like ER pulled it off! Congrats to them. Let's hear how they did it!! Over to you Empire Rising...



  6. I know what I'm doing next season. 
  7. strip hansels and this strategy go to toilet lol
  8. Just go guild hansel then have like 3, 4 Bil allies and boom just enough.
  9. Tbh, I don't war, but I really don't see the issue is. There will ALWAYS be a tactic that is made tl win more than have fun, tower build, GH, ps. It's OK though moose, this time next year, they will make it so ps can't play in EE. That's fair right?.. No. Find a way to beat it.

    GH still isn't fixed, this won't be anytime soon. So you tell me moose, if this isn't the way to play a ps in EE, what is?
  10. I agree with Rio

    The issue here appears to be about their tactic being one you don't like. However all those ee clans with sdt and dt minima requirements seems to be perfectly ok in the eyes of folk on here. That's done to give an advantage just the same except its a weaker tactic.

    Either join those with better tactics, copy them or if you don't like their builds or tactics don't, but everyone has exactly the same change options on build and tactics. As such 'unfair' isn't right as you know the position and can do the same.

    I'm currently a pure spy with no allies but I've been ps with allies (yup seriously I was ps with allies for over 12 months of osw and pvp lol - so the ps chicken build made me literally laugh out loud) hansel, attack, spy def heavy hansel and mixed build. I changed as my play changed and as I got bored with one style.

    So instead of moaning on here, look at ways of combatting this (ps easy to handle over short time) or imitate it or if you dont want too then accept it.

    Snr 

    ps - I don't EE so just an interested observer before anyone thinks I'm defending something I do.
  11. People complain about GH either don't war or make your build so GH can't plunder, I don't hit people and win if they have 3m adt just saying.
  12. Empire rising just proved you wrong
  13. I think it's unfair that it's possible to have as much ssd as my owner.. can we change it please?
  14. What they did in empire is steal that's the trick to beating ps lol with no troops still open to steal with no gold
  15. They should remove the assassinate action on other players. To stop hansels from pinning and being overpowered
  16. Lol. Trueplayer used to beat whole clans in the old system wars as a pure spy. Just waiting for next exploit to revert back to pw's 
  17. The thing is with this build strat,
    1.) Takes a "no balls" approach.
    2.)PS don't try to ko so no KO plunder(or very little)
    3.)If LB players get pinned and sat on, the PS clan can't plunder (unless retreating from cognito and KO'ing or LB's xtal to stay towered.
    4.) Thus, PS clans can be beaten, but very difficult

  18. Ohhhhh crap!!! I didn't realise the objective was showing off how big your balls are. There's me thinking that winning is important to people! Noballs approach lmao.
  19. Oh my! People use game mechanics to their advantage... Drag out the pitchforks and torches and kill all the spies. They're not welcome in KaW.