New EB: Skorpios the Deathstalker!

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Miles, Mar 12, 2013.

  1. Its an interesting eb drop rate is still horrible but that's why they do it so u have to keep trying.
  2. More EBs, really? :roll:
  3. Lol it is pretty easy
  4. People are never satisfied. Drop rate sucks, pays horrible, too easy...I know, lets have an eb that takes 4 days, drops five different equips to everyone thats hits it and pays $ 1 trill! Guarantee people still complain. I do agree that it is a bit too easy though but a great way to farm aqua and inferno...for those who still need it.
  5. This is a good start off for thus eb series. Cant wait to the rest.
  6. Its definitely better than doing nothing but hauntings.
  7. Great eb :) keep up the great work devs!
  8. @kaw_creative can u make phase one haunted walls also be allowed to assassinate on? Its not that big of a deal but its bringing back NG an no1 likes ng lol
  9. Stage 6: You cannot hit unless you own every propack
  10. Goddam I'm brilliant Devs u need to hire me. $100 an hour (or $75 32 xtals/hr) to be an idea popping, brainstorming, light bulb lighting, scruffy looking nerf herder and promoter for ATA!

  11. Woohoo thx KAW - just what we bin waiting for 
  12. Does the Ring Reset, or not?
  13. Yes it resets, quite frequent my clan has told me
  14. cant wait to try it.
  15. I'm impressed. It's a decent paying eb with a moderately generous equip drop.

    Good job devs!

    Not a fan of the artwork though, the ring is hideous