Just from observation it seems after everyone leaves the clan from this tiring sometimes stressful epic the item is lost. Have not talked to the devs or have inside gobbledigoop. I'm also the devs have added a game of chance. None of the smaller ppl will get these items as there is no room in the clan for them. A little drama is great but for the most part this epic is " Finding Waldo" with tempers flaring and very poor pay out but for a few.
I heard a theory that there is perhaps a sweet spot in the ebs in terms of either actions or plunder- perhaps changing at random perhaps not. Thoughts? I've done one Fod, several Cod and way too many Destroyer with nothing to show but a pile of locusts.
you can be awarded the item more than once, however it does not stack! therefore you will only ever have one of those items no matter how many times you are awarded it.
no way today i did over 1000 actions top scorer and always hitting the items and others got 13 billion 11 billion in treasure and a 10% sword
So just finished The Destroyer for the fifth time in five day's and the last one dropped the perm item's (one to me) but the two eb's that didn't drop the items people left the clan, this must be more than a coincidence, that the two eb's that people left no items dropped. Has anyone else noticed this?
@Stark that doesnt work. 3 times my clan tried it (not current one). All 3 times RakothMaugrim did the items. All 3 times someone else got the item. Its a lottery. Kaw said so in a feedback a friend sent.
Then you're not doing it correctly, current clan has done it everyday since it came out, the person who did the pots got the item every time.
We are noticing in our clan that the same people seem to be getting multiple items and gold drops while most of us (many very active) have received nothing to date. This seems very odd that a handful of people keep getting them over and over again. My alt is one of them but this account is not.
Like I said unloaded 1 time and got the shield , I was 1 of the items peeps on the destroyer theother day and got most items in and didn't get ****