New EB Perm Items - Can you influence who gets one?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by MiSsY, Jan 6, 2012.

  1. That is just plain stupid. For one you might, just might, get the item, but you lose all your clan mates and probably end-up being farm. Also it's random, and nobody knows how it works. you might kick the lucky winner with no guaranty that the prize will be reassign to you. So at the end, greed doesn't pay, having clannies to finish EB does.
  2. I was thinking that maybe by attacking/assassinating/stealing/ scouting at a certain time or point in the eb, that will get you the item. For example, scouting when the red bar is at 53% will get you the item. (Remember, it's just an example).
  3. Who the heck knows what the odds are or how rewards are determined. More like the lottery. Sometimes they pay, sometimes not. I've been top plunder and got nothing. I've had most actions, and got nothing. I've had both and killed boss and nothing.

    I did get one item in an eb probably by chance. I did get the gold drop also, 13.6B and was top plundered without. But, I've also seen one where 2 people got the gold 13B each and 2 perm items dropped.

    Who really knows the method to the developers madness. We did 3 b2b destroyers last night and got nothing from any of them. Lol

    Keep trying. 
  4. Ok - here is some info:
    The Priceless treasure (CoD) and the Kings Tomb (FoD) do not drop for the highest plunder earners. It appears that way because the treasure reward is added to their plunder score in the EB History making them amongst the top plunder earners even if they had only 1 hit in the whole EB.

    You Alone are factored into items dropping, treasure dropping, and total EB Reward earned.
    Everyone leaving or being kicked has NO effect on the reward, treasure, or items you get.
    Same is true for wars when it comes to mithril payout.

    Treasure & Item Drops are random - JUST LIKE NOBILITY DROPPING IN QUESTS.

    Everyone, regardless of size, has the same "chance per action" to receive a random nobility point when they succeed at a quest.
    The more successful quest actions you do the more shots you get at this random Nobility point.
    1. Is it possible to do 1 quest action and get a nobility point? Yes.
      Is it possible to do 100 quests actions and not get a nobility point? Yes.

    The same hold true with actions on the Epic Battles.

    I really liked the "lottery Ticket" analogy where each ticket is a chance to win but no matter how many tickets you buy there is no guarantee of winning.
    And even when you buy hundreds of tickets there is always that annoying guy who wins millions screaming "Its the first ticket I ever bought!"
  5. Good post wulf!
  6. Interesting and detailed info Matrix, thank you for sharing your findings. Also thank you to Wulf for clearing up technical points.
  7. I'm sure if you kicked everyone except the person you wanted there's a chance you'd get one.
  8. Completely random I got one when I only have unloaded

  9. That has already been tested and failed
  10. Yeah you can, make everyone but the person you want to get it leave the eb... Not the brightest idea though.
  11. Yes that's what i'm talking about, it's been tried, they kicked every player but 1 out of the clan and all that happened was no items at all were dropped
  12. What my clan did is only let one person do the pot stages. Because he had so many actions it gave him a higher chance. And he did get the item.
  13. I don't know about that, i'v done The Destroyer 3 times in the past 3 days and been 2nd in plunder and actions, in one i got the whole 3rd pot stage all to myself and the first 5 regens of that phase plus pots in the first two phases and didn't get any item, it looks to be totally random, despite how many actions you may have done.
    Someone mentioned before if someone leaves there is no item drop in the eb at all, the third eb we done someone left and there was no drop, i'v said this in another thread but does anyone know if this is true?
  14. If someone has already got the perm item, then can they get it again? Or since they have it now then that makes the rest in the clan that haven't got it yet..a better chance at winning the perm item?
  15. So, tmh and Wulf noted answering one of my posts that the items do not double-drop. So one wonders if the system will automatically deselect the players who already have the item assigned by the EB from the lottery. If that is the case it could be that it would pay to continue doing the same EB. That may actually increase the chance of a random drop in a smaller pool of players. Or perhaps not if the players are not deselect from the pool of 'itemable' ones but the items just don't drop twice...
  16. got a clan mate w two shields
  17. Only one I each perm iten
  18. As Wulf said... The number of players in the clan, or the number who already have the item make NO DIFFERENCE to item drops.

    You are not guaranteed an item drop in the eb. Every time YOU do an action you have a chance to win the item; the same as every time you do a quest you have the chance to win a nobility point.

    Kicking people before the end does not help a specific person to get an item, but it could stop someone who has "won" it from getting it.

    I have seen 4 treasure and 3 items dropped in the same FoD, and have seen many pass with nothing dropped.

    The lottery is based on you, and you alone. You could win both a treasure and an item by doing one action in the eb. That is the random part, you cannot alter your odds by players in the clan.
  19. I'v read that the same person can get the item drop more than once but it doesn't give more % bonus, it doesn't stack.
    We done The Destroyer again last night and people left and no item dropped, each one we have done that no clan member left the item has dropped and vice versa didn't drop.
    Can anyone answer this, is this the reason no item dropped? :?