Hate is such a strong word, I would probably associate what I'm saying as pointing out a wannabe troll don't hate
If I were to tell you who I was that would break tou I believe, n what does my identity have to do with your fail trolling
I gotcha. You're a guy who studied ToU, ToS and RoC and decided he would go on a "I am better than all else" rant through forums.
I don't see having a conversation with OP as stupid, I see it as exactly what it is: having a conversation. Not my fault you were the kid excluded from conversations as a child and feel like you need to ruin others fun now.
Lmao you flamed again calling me a tou, roc, toc, sturdier that implements my knowledge of rules on others too make myself seem better, when all I was doing was stating that I am not telling u my identity which anyone with half a brain would know is against tou, hence the stupid comment
You took my sentence in the literal term, when I meant it in the term "Where the **** did you come from"
Hulk, NWoSS is trolling you bud, doing a pretty stupid job at it too, doesn't surprise me he'd be a hypocrite on that high horse of his.
Lmao finally, I'm just joking with you man chill, just browsing through AT saw this thread thought is have some fun, hypocritical bobba would be if he had actually trolled!
Yea I've noticed I've been trolling more as of late than stating my opinion like when I first matured into forums.
Opinions are overrated, trolling is fun provided it's for humour lol, most people just force their opinions which is typical of faceless people, love hate relationship for the Internet GANSGTERS, that are merely pre-pubescent needs in 98% of cases anywho I'm out