new eb divides the have and the have nots

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by DaPrecursor, Apr 2, 2013.

  1. I've seen lots of people yelling at devs but this takes the cake 
  2. @Sirloin burger, please continue telling us how brave and how you're not a coward talking down to people from your own phone while not saying it directly to their faces.

    You hypocrisy on the subject is very amusing, calling out people who express their opinions in the guise of saying they're calling out others on their opinion.
  3. The devs got you good, this "magic" eb that is only available to people that war will surely make every clan that doesn't do it fail at kaw and ruin this "playing field". Noob.
  4. I was not flaming was expressing my opinion, as far as I know I have the right to do that.

    You the one talking off topic on the thread. Happy KaW.
  5. @Cathy_Jae: calling some oft an EB fairy is flaming.

    @Boba-Fett: Touché, you win 5 internets.
  6. I call myself a eb fairy when I couldn't war, was I flaming myself? Is a term used KaW wide, if op is offended then he should say so.
  7. Widespread insults are still insults. I'm pretty sure dropping the n-bomb in the 50's was widely accepted, but nowadays we know that is was pretty damned uncool. Where do you suppose that "fairy" term comes from? Open your eyes.

    For the record, I disagree with OP even though he's my friend. I like the EB structure.
  8. A fairy (also faery, faerie, fay, fae; euphemistically wee folk, good folk, people of peace, fair folk, etc.)[1] is a type of mythical being or legendary creature, a form of spirit, often described as metaphysical, supernatural or preternatural.
    Fairies resemble various beings of other mythologies, though even folklore that uses the term fairy offers many definitions. Sometimes the term describes any magical creature, including goblins or gnomes: at other times, the term only describes a specific type of more ethereal creature.[2]
  9. Oh just shut up!

  10. Thanks Cathy, I'll be sure to let everyone know after I call them fairies that I'm just referring to them as ethereal creatures, possibly gnomes 
  11. lol nice effort. But you and I both know that in online gaming, the term "fairy" is pretty much never used interchangeably with "faerie" (et al), rather, it is used disparagingly to insinuate that any giving individual is homosexual and, by extension, effeminate, and by further extension, unwilling to fight. Online forums and chat-enabled are absolutely RIDDLED with homophobia. This game has not a single fairy/pixie/sprite reference in it.

    Being unwilling or unable to war would therefore more likely make you homosexual than a diminutive creature of myth, by the gaming community's standards. Meanwhile, many homosexuals are fitness enthusiasts and would be much more likely to survive a zombie holocaust... but I digress.
  12. lol Lunacy
  13. Make whatever interpretations you want. People just have to argue about every single thing to make themselves happier and superior and have no sense of humour.

    This thread is now pointless so have a good KaW 
  14. Cathy go around in public and call people fairies see what happens
  15. Lol you don't know my background so you can't assume things 
  16. its not an eb.....its your way to get your bonus mith when you get no match in ee this should not be open to all. if you want mith war its a war game
  17. Rawr EB nub ANGRY
  18. Wow, didn't realize my post would get that much attention.. Anyways I understand now why the eb is there. It's a one off for clans that don't make the we war. And the devs way of compensating for the unseeable. It's not continuous. I didn't realize so many people would toil over a drunkards post, but you did so congrats on wasting breath over a drunkards post. I'm sure there was nothing better going on in your lives than to troll forums and try to formulate the best insult. By the way, for all those who think eb's are terrible. It's extremely hypocritical to criticize those who just joined and never had the opportunity to participate in Pwars. And now need to use ebs for gold because war is no longer profitable. Yes I've warred, no I did not make money on the current system. So for the old timers that made money off the old system and criticize anyone new or old for eb'ing, you should be ashamed of yourselves. Go fly half way around the world to take a girl or boy on a date, I did, it was fun and made any troll in any post seem stupid to waste as much time as I have now on This post, or any for that matter. Now would someone please develop something clever to say to make me or others to feel small and belittled? Because Idgaf about wtf you have to say. But please waste your breath until you die because the world does not need you. *serious face*
  19. wow went from EBs to Pwars, the noobiness continues, also I don't remember speaking once at all so your "wasting breath" comment is a little confusing, if not making me lead to believe your drink of choice is 70% rubbing alcohol.
  20. How exactly were we to qualify you as drunk?