New Crystal Idea

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by -_-Man-_-, Jun 20, 2012.

  1. No support. Theres alot of ways this could be abbused during war and even ebs. It would also majorly increase the amount of people who say this game is unfair because not everyone can afford these kinds of things. It's just not very good of an idea. At least you tried and said something to the public.
  2. Its a good rough Idea, might wanna even bump the dollar amount up to $1 even. And yes it will make some ppl cry a bit more that can't buy the items but some of us actually spend money to make sure the game keeps going :) I can see why the idea would be needed though, its a good start. how would these be limited??
  3. I lik the idea how does no1 lik this especially 4 war when ur getting pinned
  4. Not thinking about it