New Compensation For No Match Scenarios:

Discussion in 'Wars' started by SO__Calikid__RA, Apr 9, 2013.

  1. Cheetah, that's exactly what I said on the estocs Q and A thread, so I completely agree with you. Losers should get some kind of reward payout.

    Then clans will have no reason NOT to participate. As it stands now, the all or nothing reward system will simply weed out clans rather than attract new ones.
  2. And what we need are more clans participating, so we have a better chance at getting matchups.
  3. Well said. I know many that have warred only a few times and are forced in to wishing they could again, but are too deterred after their losses from what they put in.

    Yes, this would be the easiest fix and what the entire community would desire I'm sure. It would be great to face a different clan almost every war with the occassional b2b match. But how to entice them? A small kick back is nice for a loss so that would be a good start.

    Rich get richer while the poor get poorer. But it seems this is their entire format and how they want the filter to react, hence you can only buy 6 mith at a time. I mean, come on... give some love to the little guys so they can try warring a couple times.
  4. I like the way you think. Now to get the devs to listen...

    Though this is a better direction to remedy the no match issue than my ideas of more kick backs, what do you think of the current system for no matchs? yes, if they could entice more clans to join wars then the no matchs would be less, hopefully.
  5. Support
  6. Yep don't-touch, we aren't the only ones who realize its the lack of broader participation that's killing the wars.

    Zaft probably wishes they were back in osw, Hgl perhaps regrets even trying to war. Why war if all they're getting is a big fat nothing.

    So what if 'this is war and winner deserves all the spoils'? Enlightened self interest should tell you that keep this up and soon nobody will have a match and there won't be any spoils.

    Get more clans of all sizes to war, you can even loosen the bands a bit, cos play smart, your team can still do decently against an enemy that you don't stand much of a chance again.

    So many players and clans try once and never try again. Good ones even.

    I hazard to guess that it's cos war is fun only if you win. At least sometimes.

    No wonder so many stay away, cos they'd never ever be able to match the established clans. Why punish themselves tying?
  7. I now think I am wrong about awarding miths to losers....

    Award gold as well! Heaps of it, but as always make sure the distinction between winners and losers is clear.

    People still buy their xtals to war, and those that don't, they were never going to anyway. At least they get to play, devs get their xtal $, happiness all round!
  8. I agree it's the lack of clans warring thats the biggest problem. I've warred several times now I like and enjoy the wars plan to keep trying to win. That said I've had to look for clans warring many clans try once lose and don't try again. Inactivity bad leadership basic lack of knowledge all can stop newer clans winning then the cost's stops them coming back. I don't know a 'perfect' fix I'm going to keep warring and keep trying to help my clan win and compete . Hopefully others will to none of us want a situation were only a few clans war anymore because no one else feels their is any reward to it.
  9. Devs should at LEAST give 1lvl rancor from a no match. I mean c'mon! Some of us will never reach lvl50 that way. Devs better start thinking about a extended rancor season.
  10. Lolol!! Hey devs while you are at it, why not give OP 4t so he can become t5 complete, he totally deserves it, i mean he bough xtals and everything.
  11. Y'all sound like Oliver Twist..."please sir, I want more".... Clans with no matchups are already being rewarded with a special EB to the exclusion of everyone else. This just sounds greedy IMO.
  12. You do realize that most of the time you receive no match up because A) your clan is either too small and would be crushed.
    Or B) your clan is too big and would dominate unfairly.

    I mean you act like these wars don't happen 75 times a week. (Don't remember the exact number)

    I think they are being generous enough in giving you the special EB

    You can't get too greedy 
  13. Amber moon it took a second to realize that you hadn't just typed my name. Then I saw the twist lol
  14. No support. Most clan receiving regular "no match" are either guild hansels, in which case a simple remedy would be to upgrade to a regular style clan, or are too powerful in which case you may have to restrict your big accounts or split into 2 war clans.