new building "Gold Mine"

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Galdurstierr, Jun 21, 2014.

  1. So I get 25HF and get 100% more plunder

  2. No support this will only help all them sh out there..... Cheapest build that make the most thats crap
  3. When I read the title I thought it was gonna be stupid because I thought you meant a building that generates gold all the time but I liked your idea
  4. Thx for support and critisism.

    Actually the purpose of the building is to increase the strategic choices in a way that fits into KaW and not necessary push mire gold into KaW. That is and will be done anyway and has allways been.

    There will be a significant trade off since you wont have any stats at each hf land you choose to put a mine on. Also, to benefit max you will need to have less towers this making your build weaker as an expence.

    The benefit is to make more gold, but as each new built land already does that (putting troop or spy building there) the extra gold wont be huge. And in addition each extra mine generates slightly less compared to having an ordinary building there.

    You can also see this suggestion in the context of the other building suggested "the vault".

    And yes, these are suggested with OSW in mind. Its the way I know to play this game. Hope this claryfies a bit. We need more strategic choices in this game, Im positive to any that fits the game structure.