See my war idea thread broski. Add or subtract ideas as u see fit or even rework it. Pls stay within the gist of my concept thx
I like the idea but this is kinds like the "change your build" for a day thing that got 1000+ supporters ... Anyways I do not see how this will bring ee participation up incredibly because after all you are only going to have enough money as your previous buildings were worth therefore having the same stats or just a different kind of build but then at a smaller scale and therefore costing money or taking more time
Dear moose, Indeed others have thought of this but they were not a moderator. However this is a more descriptive and precise way of doing this. So I completely agree, cause the last time this went around was when I was really small and wanted to change my build from attack to Hansel but was uber expensive and took months to change it. Further more since you discussed those problems and provided solutions with them I think there's no way this can go bad. This has probably been the best idea for kaw and many like myself and others dreams to do. So again I say FULL SUPPORT IN EVERYWAY POSSIBLE. ATA/kaw community please take this in my most deepest consideration. Ty have a blessed day moose you rock!
We heard news about many Hack, Sony got hack, US govt website got hacked. PS3 got hack. Just wondering how much secure is kaw server that it didn't got hack yet. What if any hacker started playing kaw and hack server and resetting all builds refunding gold making people to make rebuild.
Support because I would buy this and is life to try a new build! Another idea moose is they can only do this a maximum of 5 times or maybe they can only do it once every 2 months?
If I could pay 50$ to switch build or better yet 25 I would and I'm sure I would switch build more than once a month.
By Sony server hack I mean one which done during movie The Interview and created tension between US and NK.
What about implementing premium buildings, they are paid for. The buildings would be able to be placed on any land from lowlands to abyss. These premium buildings will cost from $4.99 up to $19.99. Of course the stats would be ridiculous they would be the equivalent of a maxed out Abyss building, from both the even attack building and spy building. So this building would have both spy and attack stats. It also doesn't stop there, there is 4 levels to this building. Level 1 - Equal to Abyss spy and attack buildings Level 2 - 1.1x the stat of abyss Level 3 - 2.2x the stat of abyss Level 4 - 3.3x the stat of abyss So to build this building it would cost 4.99 and you can buy it maxed out for 19.99. Each upgrade can only be bought with nobility.
Absolutely not people would just buy there way further extending how people buy everything on kaw You should be slapped @ post above me
I hate the token idea, because it would be very easy to exploit and have alts take/receive the tokens. Maybe return the cash in a new kind of bar that expires after ___time
Support, but you could also just give everyone one free one and then others for money. They did it with the seals so why not with these?
What if this 'item' moose talked about could be very rarely dropped from ebs or wars? Would make things interesting. Just an idea. Support the idea. I think it would be great to limit the usage of this option either by time restrictions (I like this idea the best) or by making it expensive to do so) but I also think there should be one at the beginning that is very cheap or free. This would appease the 'pay to play' complaints that would come.
Support. This would put this sorry ass game out of it's misery. This might be the worst idea I've ever seen.
Support And what Cloud said. Ata shud start paying u moose. 50$ will work their pockets up. Can come with 6months lock its important.
Why can't we just have a convert button on our building page. Convert 1 building 10b or 20b? the bigger the tier the more cost! takes to much time to destroy, rebuild,upgrade Max and red building a whole set would take forever
Moose! I LOVE this suggestion, since it somewhat mimics the change your build day proposal, which has like 1,000 supporters and I supported! Alas, for those who have changed there build countless times, I feel it's unfair to allow it as a perm feature to be able to be used many times. Is it useful? Damn right! I just think it should be limited as a type of last resort. Once per account a year etc. It has the potential to be used as an exploit in pvp which is crazy unfair. I can imagine someone who is build complete being bored one EE season deciding to utilize this proposal and suddenly having 150m in sdt. Once the season is done and they win, change back with little cost. How can you beat that in war - much less an army? But yep, either way - there needs to be a feature for a build change. I know an overwhelming amount of players who have desired it! Long story short, I agree with this endeavor moose! Change is good.