Discussion in 'Wars' started by eR-BobaFett, Apr 16, 2013.

  1. It's not the fact that they released eb eq It's just that they have been promoting Estoc for months now. Ad the rp items. Now they have released eq that IMO is to powerful for button tapping and some luck.
    Look at the sword stats. Good static stats for the eb version. But a lot less powerful than the soul reaper from rp. That is how it should be. Everyone going to be haters. But the fact of the matter is its de valuing all the hard work guys have put into the EE wars.
    Will wait to see what end of season items will be like. If not up to it. Then I think a lot more will be venting there frustration.
  2. And before ee what equipment was everyone sporting? Pretty sure it's EB equip right? All of a sudden ee come out n people get on there high horse, ok again I agree EB equip shouldn't be as significant as mith equip but ffs it's 1 equip ONE, get over it, again empire rising are killin it in ee odds are u guys will have awesome equip at the end of season regardless of mith! DIVERSITY IS KAW GET USED TO IT, clearly ATM 90% of people in this game NEVER war some for certain reasons others for other reasons! If I developed this game i would cater to the 90% not the 10%, even though I hate we war times I ACCEPT the fact that it will never change regardless of the DEVS weak attempt to fix it in their last thread! It's all about the Benjamin's!
  3. Clarification. I disagree with op.
  4. @daleo

    It's a mistake to think only EE winners are doing hard work. Try doing osw for a year like I have. Also I've been making myself get up 4 in the morning doing EE with my osw mates just to lose to these EE war clans and their EB-paid bfa and shiny red costumes. Trust me losers are also workin hard and need a way to get back in the game to catch up and give these EE/EB clans a run for their money.
  5. Agreed frog! Cos bfa comes from warring lol! Good point dude 
  6. I spent 960 mith getting the Chestplate of Sheared Blood which looked like a pretty awesome and exclusive item.

    Now devs bring out new EB and with one fell swoop render all of that hard word and gold completely meaningless.

    Seriously devs come on. That equipment only came out a couple of months ago. Every player who has spent their mith on it will feel let down.

    So really here the moral of the story is that when the devs introduce something that looks good, the feeling will only last a couple of months before you get brought down to earth again.

    Everyone who has the Chestplate of the Sheared Blood should be refunded their mith.
  7. Does anyone else wonder how these big EE clans would actually do in osw??? Not vs other EE clans, or EB clans. But vs legit osw clans. I think it would be quite amusing.
  8. I totally agree. Like wtf. I bought my chestplate 2 days ago, enchanted it to lvl 3 and this new chestplate comes up. Did you do this purposly devs? Are you having a good laugh over this? Cuz im really pissed off  So much hard work on gaining mith from wars put to a complete waste. You just lost a customer.
  9. Id like a refund of my mith. I support you OP!
  10. Quit whining. Something better will always come out. I wasted 1180 mith on my greaves because of fails only for the devs to announce the next day that the other equip won't fail. Would I like my mith back? Obviously. Will I get it back? Hell no.
  11. Same as poison.
  12. Bloody whiners. Do you do EE wars only for the eye candy or because you love war? Who cares what ya all wasted yer mith on.
  13. and what? I've spent over 60 inferno on my grieves and bracers alone for them to be level 5 and 4 respectively, the crying about this eb item is ridiculous. You are perfectly entitled to get that one as well as the paladin equipment, what is the drama? Are you scared that someone new to EE might have a chance to face you on more even ground? Bare in mind that most of these items give stats far and above what a vast number of people have in bfa.
  14. Breastplate is a fail agree 100%
  15. I'm in college full time and work no more time for ee wars although I acquired the RP breastplate earlier on. Overall stop complaining it is what it is. Dev have to please everyone to continue to make money.
  16. Teehee he said breast
  17. Dear forum mods-

    Please can you merge all the complaint threads together and create an official complain thread stickied so we don't have to read this ******* annoying rambling

    Thank you
  18. I agree with frog.. You war to war.. Also the Mith Greaves, Weapon, and off hand are still worth it over ebs options.
  19. I think the whole point is that the eb plate is a superior item with more def stats. The one that req over 1 tril worth of mith and countless hours staring at a screen, not just dumping and running, should be superior.
  20. Well said rudementary