New attack Bar : Modified

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by SkeetSkeetWaterGun, Apr 29, 2013.

  1. Lmao i omly go against chamge if its for the worst,
  2. Why not just add new options fit soldiers
    Like "raid"
    Or "pillage" that can do minor spy damage
    Btw, they should add 1v1 wars
    Like, on a profile, you can click "initiate -insert name here-" and start a 4 hour "war"
  3. Why not leave it alone? We all play it everyday why? Because its perfect the way it is
  4. its for the worse because it changes your mechanics and lowers that pedestal lol
  5. Why... why are we playing rock paper scissors?
  6. No build is better than the next. If you hav e problems with spy builds place SPY DEFENSE TOWERS. Its a lot easier for EVERYONE. Devs shouldnt need to chamge everything they've made
  7. I'm not sure they're against change as much as they're against the needless time and effort needed to make something that isn't needed. The third bar is a good idea but they're all right. An atk build can trash a hansel, hybrid and pure spy if you know what your doing. There's just WAY too much to change in order to make it happen that it will never happen. You'd be better off pushing for a whole new game.
  8. I get it now this morning was confusing
  9. I don't havee any spies haven't had any for about a Week can someone help please!!!
  10. I like this idea it'd balance stuff n make this strategy game a real strategy not just spies dominate the whole game
  11. Actually kaws lasted pretty long already and its steadily growing so i don't understand that statement.
  12. Question. How is there any strategy, at all, if everything can literally hit everything else.
  13. Not a spy or a hansel. Still no support.
  14. I like this idea. It has some merit. Most RPG's use a similar system.
  15. so kinda like an intense version of rock, paper, scissors?
  16. Hansles are weaker build in EE wars. They are an easy attack/scout targets.
  17. Dang it lemon. I was about to say that!!! UGH!

    But I do support. Would be amazing, even though it probably won't happen.
  18. Dont know about a third bar, but I would like to see troops become more versatile. Give them a second option or something.