new ally slot purchase from oracle unfair

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by DIGITAL_BATH, Mar 3, 2012.

  1. These were meant to be exclusive to those who took a month out to reset. Especially for those who did pre t4 or pwar resets.
  2. I've never done a reset but I totally agree with this it seems unfair
  3. As for pepsi, game on 

    As for "Someone" post with your main.
  4. Yeah... I went and bought my extra hundred slots for my accounts- without using nobs or dropping allies. Now I'm wondering if the payoff was big enough... I'm just an average shopper.

    I suppose if you are at the tippy top of the LB it's nice. I'm now putting together a spread for the 800-odd allies I've tied up between 2 accounts.

    Hope I didn't waste a few hundred bil... Not the end of the world if I did, but I just assumed more slots are better and no I'm not so sure.
  5. Virus... Enjoy the new mechanic of the game and feel free to purchase new ally slots. If that's not acceptable to you, reset a few more times and maintain your advantage.
  6. Game on...? virus think b4 u act we are all untitled to an opinion so why has this turned into a farm thread?
  7. Entitled* oops lol
  8. Someone is his main. He reset
  9. The players that reset still have an advantage! 4 resets =200 allies and perm items, unless I do resets you will ALWAYS have 200 more allies than me AND perm items which I do not have.
  10. I think virus should kick all the dumb asses right up the poop chute. They need to get smarter before they post. Rock it virus. I doubt you'll need it, but I'll help farm some noobs if you want some help. ;)
  11. 80/90/4 lordpepsi_sub p:all afternoon
  12. Lol not even potted. Noobs these days. :)
  13. Get a life and stop crying. Geez...keyboard warriors are the worst cry babies.
  14. Post with your main I'm a badass KaW player. Blah blah blah. Cry and moan. Gtfo losers
  15. Lol johnbobbit. Easy to talk **** before you're farmed. You might be thinking to yourself "but darth, you're far to big to farm me" well, aren't alts a glorious thing? :)
  16. Someone is Xtreme
  17. farm me too. I feel left out
  18. Lol I'd rather not. :) I just farm people that piss me off
  19. so. of I piss you off you guys will farm me too?

    I hate feeling left out like I said. I want to be included ;(