new age

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Javaneter, Jul 28, 2013.

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  1. Lmao....having EE'd with New Age in the past I can categorically state that they wouldn't be manipulating the system, and that they truly do suck at EE

    My guess is Red, Krak, and Twicc would have been too drunk to be active, and the rest would have been distracted by farming people on alt accounts.

    Love you guys, keep playing the game by your terms....never change
  2. Wait, did someone say he can express his mind as in his rights, but yet get farmed for saying the truth?

    You guys didn't try and yeah, guaranteed win, no point in complaining but you won't get as much mithril If the opposition doesn't try. A 50 mithril can become 67 easily with the other clan trying. Maybe that's what he's complaining about? No need to farm him for stating his mind, he obviously doesn't know you guys, why punk on him?
  3. I hadn't heard from nerw age up till now... I hadn't made this mistake if I knew they are like this. :/
  4. Don't know why you would apologize, you spoke your mind out, and that takes courage, I suggest you just farm back
  5. I can't handle two clans on my own lol... and I apologize because I disrespected their way of EE... if thats their REAL way... but thanks for the help man
  6. No he's complaining about the fact that he had to "work" for his mith and all we're doing is "show up". We don't take kindly to people accusing us of cheating in forums. Besides we set up this system so we could find guys like this who complain when there isn't any reason to complain. Someone always complains when people do things differently then they do. They end up as our farms
  7. As per op request on page 2.

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