New Age vs -Protake-

Discussion in 'Wars' started by kaw_admin, Dec 9, 2012.

  1. 
  2. No kidding Twicc. :|
  3. I like a boom boom pow. Protakes like jacking my style 
  4. I didn't say you chicken and turned pure. I said you could put up a banner saying on holiday and I'm sure our guys will be tolerance enough not to do major strip. Just normal burning and hitting.
    Ask yourself, were there any major strips on you or your jimmy? Does this digit 1 looks familiar to you? We just open you for sake of fun only.... :lol:

    No, you're wrong. I leave the accusation part to other members....already give you hint yet you too cant even see it yourself.

    Which clan is having difficulty completing epics for income? (other than server crash)
    Which clan is receiving heavy bombardment?
    Which clan has members that are less potted?
    Which clan has members "selling" accounts?
    Who keep asking Alvin to appologise so as to CF?

    The proof is everywhere :lol:
  5. Lol it's amusing that you pride yourself on completing epics when you're in osw. We only run epics for spies to burn attack troops. its pathetic of you to bring that up. truly a noob. We don't need to complete epics for funds. We are already well funded.

    As for less potted, we've been in and out of osw since October 2010. Don't take our poorly potted members as your accomplishment. You being a clan that hasnt been in osw for long time itd be quite shameful if you were less potted than us. And my sdp haven't taken a hit. Matter of fact they've grown since we started lol. My spies RARELY get touched :|

    And as for AL. His apology is the only thing we want. Whenever one of your admins ask for CF (and they do so often) our reply is the always the same. Have AL apologize and we'll walk away.

    Majority of your members have 1 really small ally that is worthless for us to strip. I really hate slow strips. 1 trilion is easier to strip than 20b >_>

    Your clan has lost far more than we have. You go around asking other clans for funds. Don't even bother trying to deny it lol. You may not know of it but your leaders do.

    Keep on doing your epics. NA has always been one for the long haul. We'll take you out one by one. Lets see how much talking you do in a few months.

    Good Luck ProTake. Way you fight osw you desperately need it.
  6. Twicc,

    You are obviously delusional and a rumormonger. You have been crying all over KAW- forums, pms and even outside (pal groups). This has become your way of warring ever since you warred WAR and IG. Yes we are in the same group with you when you cried in front of alliances because nobody would help you when you hit enemy out of boredom. You also made stories about IG as well. Then you brag about how IG and WAR are afraid of you after they give you a mutual cf.

    The fact is you guys farm AL first. Whoever farmed AL didn't dare to admit, even changed name. We showed you ss but you just gave lame excuses that those ss were fake. Never mind that, we are happy to go on with the war for as long as KAW is around. Whoever we have warred against whether they like us or not, know that PRO do not start a fight without any reason.

    You have reached all time low when you accuse us of using methods to get around TOU? Gathering players all around KAW with the excuse that you want to stop ebs, but the real intention was to get a larger crowd to cry in front of? Thought you were bragging about so many strips you have done, naked 60% of us, so what is your problem? Why do you have so many complains? You just like the attention don't you? Trying to relive the old glory? Don't forget how you got there back then. So stop acting like a little girl and cry around KAW. You are just making a fool out of yourself.

    Do not humiliate yourself further as we guarantee you there will be a price to pay. So shut up and keep warring! :cool:

  7. @ ssfgh

    I do know how u do things, and don't think I know anything of kaw and workarounds, I been here long and I know much more than you know or can understand, you have your ways we do ours, but we will wont give up whatever workarounds you might do!
    We are New Age, we fight until we even are very few left we won't surrender!

    But one thing is really pathetic from you is that yes you show an ss two weeks into our osw, that ss you could been taken same day, I don't know how smart you are but to show an news ss with no dates and times when it was taken I call not fake cos u took ss but I call it mislead the truth/information, i can show an SS same like yours (taken today) and say AL started this hitting me... Come on even you need to understand an ss from news don't show jack if u don't have date and times on it ( can be taken from webbrowser)

    If you were a true osw warrior you take ss from pc/mac webbrowser (ss whole screen) were u can see both the date and time, to us AL tricked -protake- clan and you fight because your own member lie to you in your face.
    How PT handle your internal affairs is not our problem but AL started talk  in wc he end-up on our clan wall as perm farm and got lots of hits after his **** talk same as we do with other kaw players who open challenge us, then AL take ss from our members hitting him and take it to -protake- council, ofc PT council react as you should be, but this time New Age has AL  talk in ss we dident attack him until after he talked 
    How -protake- will continue react and trust AL in this matter it's up to you, but I can tell NA as a clan rarely attack an kaw player with our whole clan without an occurrence, yes our members sometimes tries find 1vs 1 fights cos we playing a war game, and the night in speak we warned whole kaw all EB spams in wc will get farmed a couple of hits they did but only one talked **** to us (AL) he ended up as perm farm as same with some others players in kaw we will fight after this osw

    iG fight had been laying under the surface many years from either iG side or NA side, I do agree NA been little weak after NAL- hollow fight, but this time iG had one player **** talk us, I reacted when I was drunk attacking whole iG, almost same as AL did,
    That member is not inside iG anymore and iG and NA have moved forward from that day. Today I respect iG! I can admit I dident that before. 

    we fight you -protake-!
    You don't fight us only few NA members get hits, start hit us, our members are bored we even started doing EB cos it's more fun than hit you
  8. First post.. Yawn... Full of  from twicc. Yawn... No wonder no inc from
    Twicc .. Yawn
  9. @ Caam

    You are to boring to hit u only have one 20b allie ( and prob a trap ) 
  10. RSVP later I wanna post
  11. Lol condor u are always welcome to post 
  12. Seems like Profake has overcame their shyness..

    So condor the great is now the spokesperson..You are a funny bunch ya know.

    Sanji the semi retired who do more trash talks than hit..

    kingcalm who loves lawyering..but all he does is nitpick and copy paste them dissect every words like a scientist.

    then here is condor who prided himself of finishing their EBs whilst in osw.

    And caam who best post is a yawn..

    And Army who seems content about patting his back for a job well done, saving his trillions after letting his 3.5k pots down to zero claiming a 4bil lost.

    These guys are a funny bunch of warriors..
  13. Today, u still dont get it... :lol:

    Both side being HANSEL builds, one needs to BuRN soldiers on epics while the other side pounds...:p

    If you don't need funds, then should maybe drop the attack builds and go pure.

    I think both side took some damages. But our WILLIAM who lost about 1T+ is still fighting while NA members who strip him has SOLD his account and ran away...sad isn't it for a clan who is winning.

    Good luck, trying to take us out.
  14. Last post... yawn yawn yawn to NA... ..

    N this is for Scouty ....

    yawn yawn yawn......................................
  15. 1) You got brains? If war already started will Alvin have such amount out?

    2) You have family? You have kids? You have own business? You think Alvin got such time to cook stories?

    3) Are you kidding ? OSW warrior = take SS from PC/mac web browser?
    Haha this is really something NEW woh...
    I 10 years ago know the date and time can change from there.

    Really? Errr....who have you been hitting? Skeleton Apparitions?
    How come I never hear my members reporting inc Twicc?
    We got so many hansels in clan, don't tell me whole ProTake Hansels dtw.
    Anyone in NA can verify that Twicc is actually hitting? You can even do 4/4 from underpin...
  16. Of course not all your guys are dtw..Been whacking one of you for a whole day..

    Tell the guy i'm whacking to pot up..he is down to 5sdp condor.. For a 13Mil CS 5 sdp is kinda useless yah know. :lol:

    Keep yawning caam.. Think you can hide your lack of any vocabulary to create a coherent sentence can be hidden by your yawn?? Ah Ah.. Guess not.
