You are not the Bella in question, my Bella is but one Bella, not double Bella like you. Though if you are a poodle in need of a hair cut, I can tell your where not to go!
If op could stop making threads that would be great....where was last few months? And could he go back there?
Those poor poodles have been vandalized. Who should I contact to file a complaint about the way they were treated?
They are 6 years running award winners for the "Saddest Commercial on Television" Seriously.... Their commercials are: Sad music Sad puppies Sad dog in cage Sad underfed dog "For X you can save these dogs, everyone loves puppies, what's wrong with you? Give us your money" Sad puppy Sadder puppy Sad dead looking dog End commercial
[/quote] They are 6 years running award winners for the "Saddest Commercial on Television" Seriously.... Their commercials are: Sad music Sad puppies Sad dog in cage Sad underfed dog "For X you can save these dogs, everyone loves puppies, what's wrong with you? Give us your money" Sad puppy Sadder puppy Sad dead looking dog End commercial[/quote] Almost sounds like it would work for kaw to.