never ending story

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by BlackWingedStrife, Jun 5, 2013.

  1. The two stare into the others eyes, glaring comebacks telepathically. "Knock it off. We have a mission to finish" says Cortana, projecting herself out of S-117's helmet.
  2. This is FF trash, keep it there, no one cares about this ****.
  3. Move this to FF or go there yourself OP.
  4. The two shrug their differences and continue their adventure in Pandora. They suddenly hear strange music... Meanwhile Strife slowly regains his memories while in Beast World. He trains his son, Alphonse to learn how to fly. He is glad that his son born with his powers. It'll help him learn his powers as well.
  5. Faggot fiction.
  6. Then they all die from radioactive poisoning. The End
  7. Then they die.The end
  8. And then guy walks in and faceplants
  9. then moose logged in, and seeing this in the AT board, leapt into action, moving this thread to the fan fiction forum (a place where threads like this go to die)
  10. Thanks :roll:
  11. Then the mythical NinjaMouse appeared on Earth and SAVED THE UNIVERSE!
  12. Suddenly, along came Justin Beiber, here to...
  13. Finally get some *****. Too bad you are what you eat!
  14. He saw a penguin and screamed, for it is unnatural to...