Nerfing the tower build? I think not!

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by AkivaTheExiled, Jan 8, 2013.

  1. War needs more variety, anyways, if you win at everything you do, what fun is there. :) Chill you can still take them down right...
  2. Keep converting OP. Do It faster. Perhaps spend money on nobs to convert quicker. That way I can come laugh at you again when you make your "I'm a huge dummy who changed to tower build knowing full well it would be nerfed and I waaaaa-nt my gold back waaaa waaaa" thread.

    Again not laughing with you, but directly at you
  4. Get off my couch to switch to a tower build? But I usually play Kaw on the couch!
  5. I actually sitting on the couch at this very moment.

    Perhaps that's my problem..

    Maybe I need to start playing in the bathroom or kitchen instead.
  6. Technically, none of my skin is touching my couch. Are you saying i should play kaw naked?
  7. Tower build is the Lehman Brothers of KaW. Sure it's all good... Right up until the point where everyone jumps on board and it goes toxic.
  8. Sweet another tower build thread. Got all the regulars in already.... Giskard, Valor, Moose, Mick

    Go Tower Builds 
  9. Of course Sal.. Wherever there's shameless exploration count me there 
  10. That was suppose to exploitation.. However my phone didn't think so 
  11. Yeah it's kinda sad how all these noobs are whining over it. Honestly, it's true to, the example in the guilds. Perfectly true and very similar. People gotta use the brains they were given
  12. I seem to quite enjoy the exploit and would hate to see it nerfed