negative mithril - thanks 4 nothing

Discussion in 'Wars' started by TurtleLand, Jan 23, 2014.

  1. Think of it as two steps forward and one step backwards. The devs decided not to give the Rancor's Rage spell to losers of EE anymore because they wanted to make losing EE wars less desirable.

    EDIT: Grammar
  2. If the current matching algorithm wasn't a random number generator, then that might hold true. But while matchups create meat shields, breaking even on myth should be seriously considered.
  3. Is it bad match up or is it you just have no skill
  4. The payout for winning far exceed any percieved loss. Just keep warring. If you find yourself on the losing team a few times then try mercing a war occasionally. Or ask friends who war with successful clans for a slot. It can and does get better.
  5. Lol, I never said bad match ups are fair.

    I'm simply saying, with all the no matches going on, you are being paired with someone you have the ability to beat. You simply aren't skilled enough to do so. Look at RH, the reason they don't lose is because they strategies. Whether or not they use a ***** build of SH and LB is irrelavent, they are still being paired with people their stat position. The other clans usually just **** bricks and give up.
  6. Butthurt much???
  7. Who's buthurt?
  8. I didn't EE war - I'm just hitting the naysayers on this thread.
  9. Is it because you are bad at ee war? You say you war so much an you are such an ee war player but then look at your loses.
  10. What are you even talking about? Did my attack addle your brain?
  11. Dear oh dear. Is too much to ask to have a constructive conversation about something that ultimately will affect the entire EE community without having belly button fluff like squirt and jozz stinking up the place? Yoda, sit down before you hurt yourself.
  12. Dude your whining?? I lost 30 mith due to no match up and clan refusing to do tvp.
  13. Thought we were talking about dev stupidity, not clan stupidity. 
  14. Meh its both, devs cant match up correctly.
  15. I'm curious, how did you lose 30 mith on a no match? Decide to cast anyways? Lol.
  16. Devs r freakin crazy
    I looked at last war and saw that 12/21 war were bad matches ~57% of war were lopsided.

    So devs say they gonna penalize us 4 losing when devs r responsible 4 bad match. Doesn't make send
  17. I agree this new thing is not good to new ones wants to war coz they spend more than they gain! If ur getting 10-14 mith back like the vanish paladin I'm sure a lot that war won't make a thread like this
  18. mmm someone has sand in their ******
  19. You mean...if you lose a war, you lose mithril? Gasp! Who would have thought?

    But no, its easier to complain and whine about wanting things handed to you on a silver platter. You lost a war, for petes sake why do you expect to make mithril?
  20. So that we get to build some mithril reserve which we cannot unless we do not war. No one said you have to win to make mithril, if everyone wins wars then who will be the losing side? Someone will have to lose, or do you think everyone can get into a great war clan?

    So when you lose, you are at a loss in everything, pots you used, xtals you used and now with the new system, you do not even make the bare minimum in mith that you casted. So what is the incentive to more people to join EE.

    Or do you mean, everyone should become a no effort GH/SH and hope some clan will take you to stack their roster. And then drop in on these threads and post smart ass replies.