Need Gold? Attack Achv.?

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Martem, Aug 24, 2012.

  1. That was at Nervere.
  2. And OP, that last statement made no sense...
  3. Dude he is my friend, we started this up for publicity. I'll admit it. haha farm at will!
  4. OP is a liar. And a bad one.
  5. If he is your friend why did you ask if I was trying to protect my friend for hitting you?

    You wouldn't ask that if you knew him.
  6. No he isn't your friend.
    Keep lying...
  7. Lol look at my wall.

    Talk about hypocrite.
  8. Idiot OP is an Idiot.
  9. Lol he is crying on my wall saying it was a joke and ghostbuster is making a big deal out of it, not him.

  10. Ops stats compared to ghostbusters, and op needed help? (/).-)
  11. Op is confusing. My wall is a very confusing story from him
  12. Crawls, and everyone. I am not crying, keep hitting its part of the game as I don't mind. I'm trying to state the truth with lies in it as I do admit. As in the resetting and that is it. He did threaten to ban me but i do not have proof. And I understand you all probably don't trust me to believe that. Just get your anger out and keep attacking. I don't mind :)
  13. Drgn, I do not need help for the last effin time. I have attacked him as it is part of the game. And if Ghostbuster has a PROBLEM WITH THE RULES OF THE GAME TO ATTACK OTHER PEOPLE. Then he should take it up with the mods, instead of taking lies to far and calling in everyone to hit as he thinks it matters. FOR THE LAST TIME GHOSTBUSTER. CALL EVERYONE IN TO ATTACK ME, STEAL FROM ME I DON'T CARE! IT'S PART OF THE GAME THAT I RESPECT AND IF YOU TAKE LIES TO FAR AND A COUPLE OF ATTACKS TO FAR TO CALL BACK UP (oops caps was on) then that's fine. I just want you to know.
  14. OP do you really thing that you posting this has nothing to do with the hits in your news feed?
  15. Exactly what crawls said. If it's really no big deal, and you feel it is only part of the game, you would not have created this thread stating ghostbusters was open for hits. That in itself is asking for help.
  16. Blah, blah, blah
  17. Not at all. I have gold, I can get gold. That's part of the game. Attacking is part of the game. I don't care.
  18. Well you obviously do care...